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Can anyone suggest an object(s) that is either 64 light years or 64 million light years away that could be photographed without too much difficulty, preferably by DSLR (not in the northern sky as I can't see it - my house is in the way)? Is there a specific source of such information, perhaps in tabular form? Thought it would make a nice present, to myself!

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Many happy returns.

Messier 91 is listed as 63 million light years away with an error bar of +-16 million years, so that's in the ballpark. I can remember that one because we're seeing it at about the time the dinosaurs went extinct. Not the easiest target but doable. Not brilliantly situated either, it will be an early morning target in a couple months time. There must be some other galaxies at a similar distance.

There are no DSOs as close as 64 light years but there must be plenty of stars to choose from. It's not easy to find a list though, the closest 1,000 top out at 40-something ly.

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