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Eyepiece help

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Okay so I am looking into more at the different eps. More like seeing which type I prefer more. I noticed I use my plossl and my wide view more for when I look at star clusters. I do want to try a planetary eps . I want to know what I'm trying to say is which type would be most likely better for moon and planetary viewing which is what I do most of the time.

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For all except the 70/300 scope you have the plossl design will, or should, be fine.

The 70/300 is too fast to perform easily with plossl's.

It comes out as f/4.3 and I cannot think of much that will work on a scope that fast which does not I suspect cost a lot more then the scope did.

Is the scope actually 70/300 ???

Do get get hung up on the term "planetary" with regards eyepieces, I cannot think of what it actually implies that it does well or better then others do.

The term seems to have come from the first TMB Planetary's and they were not exactly a success, they had several faults that actually made them poor eyepieces.

About the only thing I think they have that others do not is they seem to come in 1mm increments of focal length, it is possible therefore to get a 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm etc which you do not in most eyepiece sets.

Next these days the selection is really 1.25" so do you have the converter?

Which scope do you use the most - I guess the 50/700 or the 50/600.

If you want a planetary then have a look for the Skywatcher planetary's, you could try the 9mm or the 7mm. Minor problem is I cannot see any at US retailers.

Actually I see that teslescopes.com have a sale on their Zhumell planetary eyepieces, they are $45 each and they seem to have  6mm and a 12mm.

Did you not have plans on a better scope?

If so get that first, do not go spending money on eyepieces at the exclusion of a scope.

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Plossls are fine for lunar and planetary. Forget buying any more eyepieces. Put your money towards a bigger scope like a 6" Dobsonian. The difference will blow you away far more than any different eyepiece could in your current scopes.


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Yes the scope is really 70/300. But I am enjoying it so far. I can't do dobsonians at the moment. My family lives in an apartment/flat and ease of setup and portability is a must for me. Also I must be able to easily store it as well and not have it in the way. I have a cousin that will be getting a scope for $1500 US dollars. So for now I'm going for eps. Besides, as long as I'm enjoying my scope, that's important.

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Hi there, I can see where you are coming from.  In my books there is nothing better than the offering by AgenaAstro on thier brand of 'StarGuider' dual ED eyepieces here: http://agenaastro.com/eyepieces/1-25-eyepieces.html  These are the same as Astro Tech's 'Paradigm' eyepieces at just $60 a piece.  Very good ep's and very good value.

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I have a few eye pieces in mind. And yes I do have the converter to use 1.25 inch eps in the .965 inch scopes. And oddly enough I use the 70/300 scope more. Well, I actually have moods when I want to use the 50/600 or the 50/700 as well. I just been using my 70/300 scope more often lately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found out that provided the background check goes well, my husband will be having a new better paying job. I see saving up for eps I really want (that come with filters that could be beneficial) and the telescope I would like (still doing research on reviews and that's another thread) will be great.

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