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advice please on ccd camera

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hi there what would someone suggest as a good cooled ccd for dso's under £500 i thought about getting my 1100d modded but then thought a dedicated ccd would be better and still use the 1100d for daytime as well as astro.

thanks chris

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For under £500 you are a bit limited,

Look at the Imaging Source DFK 31 and DFK 41 for that cost, they are ccd and the DFK41's are 1.2MP

Check if cooled, I do not have a value for any cooling on any IS cameras. So I didn't see it specified o they are not.

Would you consider waiting a while and adding to the fund?

At £850-900 the Atix 420 and 320 come in, I know they are a significant increase in cost however, they are 2MP, cooled by -25C or -30C.

The only Atik at <£500 is the Titan but that is 0.3MP so not sure, basically at 0.3MP I would not bother myself.

Non ccd, therefore cmos, is the ZWO ASI 120's at around £250, I know Tring Astro advertise them and there is another just cannot recall who. They are not cooled, although there are a few DIY cooling systems that could be constructed.

All Starlight Express cameras are well over £500, as in £1200+

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You are not going to get much worth bothering with for under £500 for a cooled CCD. I would look at a 2nd hand Atik 314l+ as a starter which go at around £750. Getting your DSLR modded might be the best option at that price level.

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I have the ASI120MM (well, the MM-S USB3 version actually, but the sensors are the same). A couple of weeks back I was trying out a home-built cooler made from a £6 peltier cooler bought from ebay and an old CPU heatsink/fan. The results were surprisingly good - without cooling a 5 minute dark exposure was like a starfield, with cooling (getting the sensor down to about 5C instead of about 26+C) it would definitely be usable.

More details of my experiments here : http://www.astronomyshed.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=21974



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  • 5 weeks later...

I got hold of the g3 colour, if its any use i can post back here with some images once its running. :)

First impression is: much rather have an atik but will take forever to save enough money...... :p so..... yeah, orion g3 it is! ;)

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i know but i had to bite the bullet and go for something i do'nt have to upgrade next year or for a few more years i hope.

it's a very expensive slippery slope this astrophotography game. its a heck of a lot of dosh to me but its some thing i love to do and the family like the results.

but i still have not made the final commitment yet.

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i now realize £500 aint gona get me much, wishfull thinking i guess :smiley:

Filter wheels, filters and ccd's pop up very regularly on ABS. If you want to keep the budget semi-under control.

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