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Heading to France


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I will be packing the bike (blackbird) and heading for France 1st week in September. Obviously i wont have room for the scopes but just on the offchance does anybody know of any astro events or observatory with public access in Poitou Charente region worth a visit?? 

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I will be packing the bike (blackbird) and heading for France 1st week in September. Obviously i wont have room for the scopes but just on the offchance does anybody know of any astro events or observatory with public access in Poitou Charente region worth a visit?? 

Have fun mate.  I can't answer your question but worth taking some bins?  I am camping in Brittany in August and may take my 15x70's and the Star Atlas.

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I have been thinking about bins but not sure the budget will allow decent ones. Probably end up disappointed if I buy cheap ones so not too sure if I will bother or not.

The more I think about it,  its probably best not to take anything with me as I will want decent weather on holiday and if I fork out for a decent set the weather is guaranteed to be poor 

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I just got back from the Limousin region.  I took some 10x50 bins & I would recommend you do too !

Picking out Messier objects there was like filling a pick and mix bag up in a sweet shop.  With a bit of straining I managed to glimpse Barnard's Star & at Magnitude 9.56 (with just 50mm glass) it gives you an idea of how useful these will be to you.  Just the top of Sagittarius was worth packing them for alone..................& Cygnus thats another story :)

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Poitou Charentes is the equivalent of 4 UK counties combined, covering around 26,000 km², if you can narrow things down a bit I'll do a local 'French' search for you.

Hey Steve where are you camping?

Certainly a pair of bins is well worth the effort.

The Milky Way is clearly visible naked eye and as mentioned a more serious Messier tour is fun.


For info, 1, 2, 3 August is dedicated to Astronomy throughout France with astro' events all over the shop.

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I have just returned (very late on Friday night) from that area myself -- we spent a couple of weeks on the coast very near to Royan.  We drove, so I did take some astro gear -- my 127 Mak, PST, HEQ5 and cameras etc.  Unfortunately the weather was mostly very poor for observing :(  Hopefully you'll do rather better.  Last year I don't think  we saw a single cloud in two weeks.


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As a cycle tourist who would lighten the handle of his toothbrush I still took small bins with me. The night sky, wildlife, the insides of cathedrals, distant road signs (not nice to ride down a hill to look at them and then come back up!) etc etc.


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I spent over a week in Chalais (Charente) recently - the skies were simply stunnng (on the couple of clear nights we had). Despite being above a small town (well, small village by English standards) and having a street lamp within 100m from my observing location, the views were still amazing. I think the lack of pollution and better air quality has a fair bit to do with it.

Although I had my TAL100rs and eq5 with me, I actually spent more time with my 10x50 binoculars just sweeping through the dense star fields around Cygnus. And simply enjoying the simple pleasure of  really seeing the Milky Way in all its glory with my naked eyes. Utterly beguiling.

Since I got back, I've been so disappointed on the one occasion I've had to get a session in in my backgarden here in sub-urban York in comparison, that I can barely stir myself to even go outside anymore. Maybe it'll get better in Autumn, but until then I'm already planning my next trip to France (and wondering whether I can fit my AZEQ6 and 150mm 'frac in the car...).

Anyway, make room/weight for some bins - you won't be disappointed!

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