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Televue 40mm Plossl - do I have a problem?


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I recently acquired a 40mm TV Plossl. I used it a week or so ago in my Dob but not for long as I was really just using it as a finder.

Today I set-up the CPC to have a look at the sun. After browsing around the sunspots with my Naglers I decided to start comparing the Naglers and the Plossls. I popped the 40mm into the diagonal and was surprised to see a very thin straight black line bisecting the Sun's disk. I released the lock on the diagonal and rotated the EP. The line rotated, so whatever it is is coming from the EP and not the diagonal of scope. When I moved my eye to the side so that the view blacked out the line was still visible, bot was now white instead of black.

At first I thought the lens on the Plossl must be cracked across its diameter but it looks perfectly fine. Given that it is visible when in focus and when blacked out I wonder if it is some stray light getting in from somewhere.

I checked all of the other Plossl's and only the 40mm shows this problem.

Has anyone encountered this before?

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I have the 40 tv plossl and have not noticed this in mine. Did you buy it new or used, if used I wonder if it has been used as a finder lens and has had some D.I.Y cross hair's fitted at some point. A very thin wire or hair will show as described if this is the case. Although I would not think it would look like a bright line if viewed off angle ? 

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Good to here you have sorted it :smiley: the tv 40's are a nice eyepiece. Although they do show a smaller field than the other Plossl's if you only have an 1.25" visual back and want to generate a bigger exit pupil they do a great job :smiley:   

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weird. must have been a misalignment of the optics assuming the nosepiece was loose. I have just used my 40mm widefield in the 6" f11 scope on the sun and was really pleased with the view actually. I may in future buy a 40mm TV plossl myself as I do prefer the simpler designs on brighter objects.

glad you are sorted Derek.

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