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SW 120ED Pro brief solar first light :)

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I received my SW 120ED Pro today and I have to say I'm impressed.The packing was very good,no damage and the rings and focuser all work well.The focuser will hold my Baader Cool wedge and the Leica zoom no problem so far.One issue has popped up and that is focuser travel towards the objective is not quite enough for the Leica,I will figure this out with some Baader adapters no doubt.

I did get the 18mm BCO to focus using my OOUK adapter(low profile) and the view in between the storm clouds was very good,raining now,on and off-but even with light cloud I could see the granulation and the spots were razor sharp,faculae 3d like near the edge.This is an excellent sign and with good seeing I think this scope will excel.I am surprised at how nice this scope looks!

I sure could have used it for Saturn the other night,my dob never did settle down and after previous fantastic views with it I was wondering if something happened to my scope..... :laugh: That always happens to me with sketchy seeing :grin: .The frac above the ground and "sealed" would have been the ticket to get some good views under those conditions and I can't wait to try....

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The 120mmED is living up to its expectations.Last night on Saturn it gave great views @ 200x-250X,in between the clouds and with sketchy seeing,the Cassini was very sharp,"C" ring visible and the planet shading was nice.Even with clouds and a near full moon M57 was easily visible as a ring with no filter.Being tripod mounted it was above the dew soaked grass in my yard,really humid here right now.No dewing of the objective at all.The quality of the optics in this telescope are very good and it is giving me some viewing ability under challenging conditions where my dob would suffer.Under similar conditions the VX10 struggled with 200x,and about 150x was needed quite a bit to keep a sharp image.

3 hours of solar yesterday has proven its ability here too.So far I'm really happy with this purchase. :grin:

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Many congratulations on your new scope. My friend in Sofia had one until recently and I must say I was impressed with it but could n't stop thinking what a 150mm looked like. I guess that is next on the list.


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Alan,the 120mmED Pro looks good....performs great.However a big 6" refractor  would look "killer"!Those big refractors have always appealed to me and I was seriously considering APM's 152ED,this is a great scope I think and worth your consideration,or the 6" APM LZOS Triplet!!I can't wait to read your future first light!

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I meant your shoping list not mine. I would love a 150mm APM Lzos but they come at around 9,000 euros then I would require a new mount so there is another few bob.

If I get another scope it will be a Dobsonian type, though I intend to buy a 90mm APO as well. I always feel a bit left out with all the other members, many of them having Dobs, I also feel it would put another edge to my eyepiece tests, though I am running out of them to test now,

In truth there are a few things I would have done different if I had my time again, join this site earlier would be high on the list.


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Oh, I thought you might go for a huge refractor!Well,a big dob will be great for you,I'm happy that you are considering one and hope you get one that meets your needs.I love my VX10 and I am looking for a good used big dob as the next addition myself.Just not sure what to get yet....a 20" Obsession went for a song the other week,$3500.00,but too big for me @ f5(thanks for the advice swampthing!).

The SW120ED is very light(12lbs with rings) and easy to handle for its size,the 150mm class refractors are not (for me).My existing mount has no problems with the 120mm at all either.It is turning out to compliment my 10" dob very well.

I agree that this is a great forum Alan,members have helped me make some great choices.This has reduced my learning curve costs considerably.

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I'm glad you are impressed with your ED120 Gerry. I love mine  :smiley:

If I was looking for a 6" refractor for visual (which is all I do) I'd be thinking about the APM 150-1200 ED:


It's cost is relatively low for a 6" ED and the tube is pretty light - not far off the ED120 - which should make mounting it easier.

My traditional 6" F/12 is all very well but it's a beast to mount steadily and not for spur of the moment observing.

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Gerry, I agree with John's advice. I was very tempted by the APM, it looks excellent value and I'm sure will perform brilliantly. I saw one at a star party last year and it is very well put together, the focuser is lovely.

I went for my Vixen 150ED in the end as overall including the mount it was much more within my budget. I love the big Vixen and I'm sure the APM would perform in a similar way.


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