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Fun session with someone elses scope


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I've been having a nice evening using a borrowed scope this evening. It's on loan from a mate who has asked me to sort out the collimation and another couple of issues he was not 100% happy with.

Having sorted the collimation and adjusted and re-lubed the focuser I had this nice 20cm F/5 newtonian to myself for the evening so I stuck it on my Giro alt-az mount and spent 3 hours or so touring the mid-Summer sky.

I did all the showcase objects, the Moon, Mars, Saturn, some tight doubles, coloured pairs and, as it got darker my favourite clusters, nebulae plus M81 and M82 to round off before one of these sporadic shower clouds dumped it's watery load on me about 15 mins ago - luckily I saw it coming and got things inside  :smiley:

Whats struck me about this session is just how well this stock Chinese 8" F/5 newt (branded Celestron but made by Synta) shows these objects, especially the lunar, planetary stuff and the tight doubles which might not normally be thought to be the forte of such an instrument. 

Once the collimation was sorted, the star images were excellent and the splits of pairs such as Delta Cygni, Epsilon Lyrae and Epsilon Bootes really clean with star colour differences showing wonderfully.

The basic R&P focuser did it's job properly once given some TLC and the stock multi-coated plossl eyepiece showed very nice 50x views and just needs a couple of "mates" to give the scope some more power. I found 250x entirely usable on this occasion.    

I've seen optical tubes such as this sell on the used market for very reasonable prices so with a few more quid for some MDF / screws / glue you could put yourself together a great little 8 inch dobsonian with masses of capability and real optical quality for a very modest outlay.

Just as our Steppenwolf (Steve) has here with a 10" tube in fact  :smiley: :


Trouble is, I've got to give the scope back now .....  :sad:

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if you want to borrow my 8" scope and sort my collimation and focus tube out, your more than welcome ;)
TBH I know its not the best scope on the market but it works very well under my harsh seeing conditions and I'm happy with it for now

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if you want to borrow my 8" scope and sort my collimation and focus tube out, your more than welcome ;)

TBH I know its not the best scope on the market but it works very well under my harsh seeing conditions and I'm happy with it for now

I think they are excellent scopes actually. The way I saw the objects I listed tonight was as good as I've seen them through any 8" scope including a very good USA made Celestron C8 that I owned a few years back and really not much different to my Orion Optics 12" dob which has Orions "Pro" optics in it. Thats the point I'm trying to get across - they are blooming good  :smiley:

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I must admit the optics did surprise me in how clear I could see thngs
the only letdown is the build quality, as you say a bit of TLC really helps, I had to adjust my tension again today

as my camera started slipping last night and the lock screw always seems to move the tube a fraction so I prefer to have my

friction setting quite high, but I suppose for the price of the scope a bit of tweaking is to be expected to fine tune them

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..... I suppose for the price of the scope a bit of tweaking is to be expected to fine tune them

I think thats entirely true. 90% of what your are paying for are the optics. The rest is basically a container for them  :smiley:

I don't image so my views are only based on visual observing. The focuser of the scope I used tonight did hold my 2 lbs 31mm Nagler eyepiece quite well though.

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Nice one John

Great when you do a favour and the reward is some observing time with a scope you don't own yourself

In general terms to visual images in almost any decent brand scope will be fabulous, especially when used with good quality eyepieces.

As my wife tells me I have too many scopes really but I find having a selection keeps the experience fresh as each time I am out the capabilities of the scopes are different. I have set a self imposed 6 scope limit (which is exactly double my limit a year ago! :grin: ).

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What a superb Idea, I'm going to ask the geezer that Owns Keck 2 if I coul borrow his. He's got

two so He would't miss it for a couple of nights surely.

Seriously though guys and gals, I have a Chinese built 17 year old 8" Helios newt and as long as it is

Collimated correctly it performs absolutely wonderfully,  if an 8" should let you see it, my old lightbucket probably will.


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.....Seriously though guys and gals, I have a Chinese built 17 year old 8" Helios newt and as long as it is

Collimated correctly it performs absolutely wonderfully,  if an 8" should let you see it, my old lightbucket probably will.


I know yours performs really well Mick - I've read your observing reports :smiley:

I have actually owned one of the Helios ones in the past but I didn't make the most of it, sadly. It's too easy to get tempted on to the next shiny thing without really giving the current kit a chance to show it's mettle.

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Evening John,

          The Tripod leaves a lot to be desired mind, the only bit that hasn't been mended with

tape, wire and cable-ties is the lens holder tray.

Funnily enough though you don't notice what a state it looks after dark. Its by the back-door

and ready for when I get back in from work tonight with the clouds clearing with any luck.

Clear skies.


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