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The Sun - 5th Jun 2014

David Smith

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Thanks all. Slim chance of another one tomorrow if the I'm lucky before a slightly iffy looking weekend forecast. Still IAS to look forward to on Saturday, fingers crossed for a deal on a mono camera :hiding:  :evil:


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You will have to form a queue behind me, I am after an ASI120mm for the planets. It might be okay for white light, but suspect a DMK41 is still going to beat it for solar Ha.

Guess you are after a PGR for solar?


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I'm thinking of going for a QHY5-II. I have had my eye on a PGR Blackfly for months now but still not sure it is the right way to go and I just can't justify £500 on a DMK41. Main purpose will be Ha with the PST but may dabble in other things. I really struggle with mosaics so want to get a full disc if at all possible.

The QHY5-II seems to offer a good entry point, it's USB so keeps things simple and a lot cheaper than the PGR. I know there are potential issues with Newton Rings but hope to be able to work around that issue.

I will go to IAS with an open mind and see what is on offer but I would like to take my Ha imaging with the PST further than just toying with DSLR images.

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There doesn't seem to be too much difference between the QHY5-II and the ASI120mm, I think they are the same chip. But for planetary imaging the ASI120mm seem to have the edge/used by more imagers.

I did look long and hard at two PGR Blackfly cameras, one was the upgraded chip from the ASI and QHY but not many imagers are using it yet and it probably suffers from Newton Rings as well. The other was Sony based PGR Blackfly and looks interesting for solar, but the pixel size is large and I would like to go for a smaller pixel size for planets.


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