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Mars & Saturn, 25-04-14 (QHY5L-ii M)

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Having a play with my new QHY5L-ii (mono) last night, 1st time i have tried imaging with it, seeing was not the greatest. took around 15'000 images (5 min), which i took the best 7'500 into the stack.

The gear i used was my HEQ5, SW-130pds, TV x2 barlow, QHY5L-ii-M

The programs i used for processing were PIPP, Registax 6, Photoshop

and i used firecapture to capture the data which i really like


14087697259_89b0862386_o.jpgSaturn 25-04-14 by tingting44, on Flickr


14087649829_1309ab4825_o.jpgMars 25-04-14 by tingting44, on Flickr

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Nice ones Martin! Looks like you are getting to grips with the QHY. Seeing is a real pig at the moment isn't it!

Did you use EZPlanetary or another program for capture? I'm going to give Firecapture a go next time I get out (if this rain ever stops!).

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Nice ones Martin! Looks like you are getting to grips with the QHY. Seeing is a real pig at the moment isn't it!

Did you use EZPlanetary or another program for capture? I'm going to give Firecapture a go next time I get out (if this rain ever stops!).

Thanks Brian :) yes seeing is a right pig, and the position of the planetes is not ideal either but we take what we can in this hobby lol :)

No i didnt use EZP i dont really like that program, i have tried it along with Sharpcap 2 and Firecapture, and i have to say i really like Firecapture out of all three of them :)

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That's good to know.

I had a few issues using SharpCap with the QHY but not as bad as EZP! I downloaded Firecapture onto my laptop yesterday so the first chance I get I will give it a try. Hopefully that won't be too long! :undecided:

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That's good to know.

I had a few issues using SharpCap with the QHY but not as bad as EZP! I downloaded Firecapture onto my laptop yesterday so the first chance I get I will give it a try. Hopefully that won't be too long! :undecided:

same with me, i had issues with both EZP and SC, not a single problem or program freeze with firecapture tho, i love it :)

Looking good bro!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Thanks dan! :) its been way too long, i hope you can make it to Turf Hill next weekend if the clouds play ball :)

Good first effort.

How annoying that we are starting out on planetary imaging when they planets are low and terrible seeing.

Thanks Anthony :) onwards and upwards

tell me about it, i think the planets are going to be pretty bad for imaging for the next 10+ years :(

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Well done on two tough subjects - looking forward to the new lunar mosaics :)

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

Thanks Jake for the kind comment :) ohhh cant wait to try the QHY out on the moon :D

just need to get myself some filter's and a filter wheel now to enhance my planetary imaging  :)

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