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2nd Star Party


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It appears that SkyGuys efforts have, unfortunately, drawn a blank with Kielder, and a number of people felt unable to attend because of the distances involved and the date was not suitable.

So, we need to try and find a venue that is a little more central to as many people as possible, and I am suggesting pushing back to end of April (20/21/22/23) for two reasons. One, many people's new holiday year starts in April and Two, the moon!!

I am happy to co-ordinate and review all and any suggestions, so if you have any, this is the place to post them.

It would be really good to get together as many people as possible :lol:

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Sherwood Forest is a great suggestion. South Wales would be good too.

Late April good for me too. Late May even better.

Kielder a non starter for me, just too far. And March too a non starter due to no annual leave left.


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