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13mm ethos firstlight report


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had about a hours viewing last night, skys were very poor, you could only see the main star systems and not all of them, mars was ok, but you couldnt see saturn naked eye, just to give you a bit of a idea of the sky conditions.

did a rough colimation check which was quite good, due to the conditions no point adjusting.

first target mars, due to the thin cloud this helped no end as a natural filter, very good surface detail polar cap and the dark regions very dark. quite serprised with the ep, i thought it had adjustable eye position like the delos but non just fixed, but it was perfect no black outs or kidney beaning and even of axis which is a long way hardly any coma.

next m13 quite faint but could resolve quite a lot the ring was nice and the objects took ages to drift out of the fov which was great, it was like having tracking. tried for the dumbell but no joy. next up m51, which is in a great position this time of the year, lovey view but could see much structure, then on to saturn very pleasing views good colour tone and cassini easy to see and some of the moons.

my thought, realy made up, views equal to the delos but massive fov which is great. comfort was amazing didnt need to move my head around and eye placment was natural , cant wait for a good clear dark sky this will be fabulous and i think it will  stay in the focuser for a while.

i will report back when i have a better chance with it. clear skys to all

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Very sorry i must have missed this which is a bit unlike me. Nice report, I know only too well how good this eyepiece is and I hope you can get some better skies very soon to use it to its full. Believe me at the moment even if I had the VLT outside it would not see a thing in this weather but would give the lightning something to target..


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I know this EP from guests and, thanks to that fine fellow Moonshane, I now have his old one awaiting a clear sky tonight, as is looking probable. The first one I tried had me spellbound and I held out for several years but it got me in the end!!! I'm certain that you'll love it more and more.


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The 13mm Ethos (along the rest of the Ethos clan, as a matter of fact) truly is a stunning eyepiece. Only a few nights ago I got to use it under beautifully dark skies with my Genesis SDF and the view was unbelievable. I could not believe how well resolved Omega Centauri was in only a 4 inch scope and the star fields and open clusters surrounding Eta Carina had to be seen to be believed.

Was a great reminder of what a brilliant EP this is and also of just how wasted its talents are under my usual urban, light polluted skies!


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