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Mars 15th April

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yes very nice

Elm0 i'd say its a stack, you don't get images like that from one frame

the way the conditions have been recently, you have not been getting images like that from a stack either :eek:

that are very nice images though with a decent amount of detail showing and the seeing was pretty good last night for a change!

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Yes. Last night was the first time I've ever seen decent detail visually. Funny though, the weather seemed identical to the previous two nights. Just goes to show.

I nearly sold the 5x Barlow a couple of weeks ago as I've never had good results with it previously!

Still got a couple of vids to process, but I think the seeing started to deteriorate later on.

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I use PIPP to centre and crop (saves processing time later on) and the beta version of Autostakkert. It is much easier to use than Registax and gets similar results.


Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

Nice images. Ditto for PIPP, but I've struggled with AS, perhaps I'll try the beta.

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I thought AK was a video frame stacker but can you upload single raw files and stack them?

I got lots of moon shots on my dslr so would be good to stack those. I've got AK already and used many a time for vids.

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I thought AK was a video frame stacker but can you upload single raw files and stack them?

I got lots of moon shots on my dslr so would be good to stack those. I've got AK already and used many a time for vids.

Yes you can. See my Moon thread ;)http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/214175-moon-15th-april/

I couldn't get it to handle my full res 18MP frames at first, but someone gave me a tip to convert the sequence to TIF first with PIPP. It works great. So I now have a full res image you can zoom in on like you're landing on the Moon :)

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