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The great Lunar Event here in Florida.


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It's been wonderful, clear weather here in Florida...Tampa bay...for a week. My friends and I have been planning a Lunar eclipse party for early morning.

The show starts @ 2:00 am here. Yes!

The weather people now say it's going to rain, starting at about midnight. I'm very angry about this since I've already made 2 sacrifices to the Rain God (Mr. "Nasty") Plus...I'm truly going to miss my golden retriever.

I'll have to make this short. My wife is wondering where the cat is. (God..I hate to tell her being that it was all for nothing.)

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Hopefully rain in your address Vanilla won't last long, here in Texas were r just getting our last vex freeze 31 and windy. ...brrrrr but skies will be clear. So we are setting up the House scope (we call the scope Goulash) for the Blood Red Moon tonight (son's request). Advised him would be able to see w out, but after seeing surface with the planetarium ep he wants to try and get close image of the surface red. Let him know that 2:46am was really red. Do nap time, alarm and snap...lol Here's going you all in Florida get to watch with out getting drenched.....and hopefully we don't freeze :-)

Keep looking up

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I've just finished a night shift. Been seeing the moon from rise to set. Would have been ideal for eclipse watching.

According to SkySafari it was only just entering the penumbra at moon set so nothing to see :(

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Windy and clear with lots of stars out to watch this Moon tonight. Set up house Scope, got the imager ready for hubby to watch on pc. My middle son was out with me, he was surprised [emoji15]by the changing of the color and enjoyed seeing it for the first time. Moon beautiful, big and brought with its orange=red color. My son was in awe [emoji50]after observing Saturn and its rings. I see a budding observer in him. All happy even dogs being able to play in the cold weather. What a great time and happening[emoji4]...night now and rest for a few days (tripped going up stairs to wake hubby) .

Keep looking up

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We saw the entire eclipse here in East Tampa, awesome experience.... i set up the MEADE ETX-125 and when the Moon was in Totality, i did some Deep Sky observing great overall experience ! got a couple of hours sleep, now we are going to Palm Harbor to get a 2" 50mm Eyepiece for the C11.....It's all about the ASTRONOMY !



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I had hooked up a used orion starshooter II for the first time to the pc (laptop), son (amazed that he could actually see moon moving that fast) and I were amazed had the image we got for the first time using the star shooter:happy2: . we did git a few videos (gotta figure out how camera shot works for still shots) think pretty good for two beginners.  Hopefully I can attach the right, they show the eclipse in process just wish it had been warmer as star shooter and laptop got cold   by time moon in full eclipse:icon_cry: , so no video of full eclispe and that beautiful color.  also need to spend time during day like instructions advise and work out some kinks, anyway here you go.  ps I now understand how you can go from just an observer to wanting to do astrophotography, it's addicting , yes i'm going for an upgrade on the imager and house scope (bigger aperature, mine only 3.5") :headbang: ok how to upload the video. be right back.

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Had a very nice view of the red moon here.

It was sunny the morning of the eclipse when I walked my seven-year-old daughter to school, so I demonstrated what was going to happen. I told her that I was the Earth and that she was the Moon, and I stood so that my shadow fell on her. She said that she wanted me to get her up to see it. She said "If I won't get up, tickle me until I do!".

Later in the day, I cut two circles to scale from a piece of paper, the larger circle, which I coloured black, representing the umbra of the Earth's shadow at the Moon's distance, and the smaller white circle representing the Moon. At supper, I used these to demonstrate to my daughter what it would look like as the Moon moved into the umbra.

The partial phase started at 10:59 pm. At about 11:20, my daughter got up to pee, and after she did this, I took her outside. There were clouds, but  through these, a bite out of full moon was quite apparent, and my daughter thought this was cool. After a few minutes, she got cold, went back inside, and snuggled back into bed.

The sky completely cleared about midnight, and totality started at 12:08. I went back in and checked on my daughter. She was sound asleep, and I didn't have the heart to wake her a second time. Went outside, and, a few minutes later, a couple of neighbours came out. They had heard about the eclipse in the media, and wanted to see it. They were wowed when they looked through my bins.

A great day and night!

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