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My first attempt of Andromeda.


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My first attempt of imaging Andromeda using a portable setup. I used my Nikon d5100 with a 35mm 1.8 lens on a celestron se mount in EQ mode. I used 20x45 second exposures at f/2.8. Then stacked using DSS 3.3.2. Processing it all I did was convert to black and white and crop the image. Light pollution was giving some issues with the exposure. But quite happy with the results for my first image.

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Thank you. I have used my manual alt az mount to record videos of the sun and moon using my dslr but that was all. I know I dont have the best mount for imaging but i am determined to work hard to get something at least. My post processing skills really need to be much better but that for sure will come with time.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thought I would share my newest attempt.

Used Celestron se mount in EQ mode and Nikon d5100 with the Tamron 70-300mm vc usd lens set to 300mm at f5.6. 

I took 15 minutes worth of images at 30 seconds per image. I had to process this using the jpeg files due to the RAW files are having issues using deep sky stacker and shows nothing once stacked even after altering the curves can get very little information out of it.

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Not yet just starting out simple, and using just light frames as the night is running out due to the long summers I will rather practice with just the basics like trying to get my mount aligned well and playing with camera settings. But I have looked into the other types to improve image it will come soon. Maybe even tonight I might retry with the other types needed. But need to learn more about how to take the other types and how many.

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