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first outing with the new 10x50's from Orion


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So, I bought the 10x50 binoculars kit from Orion. They came in today, so obviously, tonight was my first night with them. I didn't stay out as long as I would have liked thanks to some pesky mosquitoes, but I'm pretty happy with them. There is a bit of double vision, but it's nothing that my eyes can't adjust to in fairly short order.

Anyway, on to the observations. I started off with some easy targets. I was able to see some pretty good detail on the Moon, I spotted the Galilean moons (although Callisto and Io were really close and I couldn't discern them separately. The binoculars I had previously were pretty worn out, and these did a much better job of discerning the moons. I looked at the Orion nebula and the Pleiades as well, and I was pretty happy with the view of them as well. I think I'm going to be pretty happy with the purchase.

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 There is a bit of double vision, but it's nothing that my eyes can't adjust to in fairly short order.

Obviously your decision, but IMO you ought to return it. The industry standards for collimation are such that you should not get any double image. If you perceive double vision, your eyes and visual cortex will be straining to merge the images. In a longer session, this could lead to headache, eye-ache, nausea (depends on the individual).

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Have you tried observing without your glasses, I wear glasses but take them off to observe,

once focused, focus both lenses, I find I don't need mine, depends how much you need them,

but it's worth a try. If you are still getting double vision contact the dealer and send them back.

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I did try it without my glasses, but with my 20/400 vision without them, it didn't do much good.

I did come across another discussion that said that if the eyepieces are too close together or too far apart that it can cause slight doubling. I had them at the closest separation, and didn't think about that as a possible problem. I'm going to try adjusting that and see if it helps, because it's so slight.

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I would sent them back, that isn't right; I got some out of collimation ones from ebay, and saw the 14 sisters-I sent them back & got a refund (though not without the supplier trying to blame me for knocking them)

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OK, first of all, if you try to collimate them:

* You will invalidate the warranty

* The best you will achieve is conditional alignment, not full collimation

(unless, of course, you have a collimator and know how to use it)

Best bet is to return them.

On the batphone, so expect weird autocorrect

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Granted, it's raining, so I can't really get out with the bins right now, but standing at the door looking out after adjusting the spacing, I'm not seeing double anymore. Could the spacing have been the difference or could my eyes have adjusted to them, or what? Either way, I hope this holds up!

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when the weather picks up try them again, it might of been the spacing,

your eyes won't adjust to poor collimation, but if it is the spacing and your

happy that there is no double vision, then you have found the problem,

but send them back if it's not.

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The verdict is in: it was the spacing. No signs of any doubling tonight. I might add, I'm very happy about that, because I really didn't want to have to return them and wait for replacements!

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 Russko13 Sorry I missed that you'd asked a question before. I'd like to get a tripod, but for now, I'm saving that money for a telescope. One day, I do plan to, though. Especially when I buy a larger pair of bins.

 mdstuart Tonight was the first night in a few that it's been clear enough to use them, so I went out for a few minutes to specifically look for M44. For as dim as it appears to the naked eye, it's pretty impressive with a bit of help. Great suggestion.

I'm already finding that I'm getting better finding objects in the sky after just a handful of outings with them. I think it's fair to say that my recent astronomy kick has turned into falling in love with astronomy all over again.

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 mdstuart Tonight was the first night in a few that it's been clear enough to use them, so I went out for a few minutes to specifically look for M44. For as dim as it appears to the naked eye, it's pretty impressive with a bit of help. Great suggestion.

If you liked M44, take a shufti at Melotte 111!

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That's cool what scope are you getting have you decided on one? And m44 is amazing, even from my backyard which suffers a fair bit of light pollution it blows me away everytime and I have to admit I prefer it to it's neighbour on the list m45 which is also a spectacular sight in any optics

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Lol same as me but being from the UK we have the skywatcher option as I don't think orion will ship here, I was wanting the 6inch but after hearing about what more the 8 will offer I went with that now im hearing all these things about what the 10 can offer that the 8 can't and I'm a bit hmmmm do I lol although I'm not convinced my bedroom wants the 10" taking up most of it's space

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If you liked M44, take a shufti at Melotte 111!

I'll take a look at that when I can. I've got a busy week ahead, but the photos I saw online definitely make me want to take you up on that suggestion!

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