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Jupiter image problem


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Hi all :)

I have a SW 200p dob and on the other day I was trying to get some shots of jupiter and I also recorded a 1min video of it. This was made affocally with a simple camera.

I got a decent video with jupiter and its moons but it was too bright for me to see any color.. It was just a big white disk. For now I dont have any sort of filters so what can I do to make jupiter less bright ?

Can it be possible to process the video in a way that can reduce all the brightness and increase some contrast ?

Sorry if this was covered already, Im new on editing images and videos

Cheers :)

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Not really unless it's in HD and you use a program like premiere pro or final cut pro to recover some details first before you move on to stacking the frames. This is my experience others may have some answers for you. Using an ND filter will help but might mess with the color some. 

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In my VERY limited experience I've found that no amount of processing will bring out detail with an over exposed image. Apart from adjusting the brightness etc in your settings, maybe try using a Barlow as it reduces the brightness. Both images were taken with all the same setting for AstroCap but the first was without a Barlow and the second with. Both taken through my 80mm refractor.



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Once it's over-exposed then it's over-exposed. The pixel's well becomes fully saturated and returns a pure white value. The detail is gone.

Same with all photography if its over exposed too much then you cant get it back. Now if you are under exposed then there is a chance to bring out some detail but again with video as there is so little information recorded you need a reasonable image to start with just the same as if you have a jpg image compared to a RAW image.

You need manual setting on your camera, I tried three different phones and could not get anything near what it should be. Using my compact camera I had full control over the settings and could at least get something close to what I was seeing.

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I had much the same problem until I went into manual mode and did some trial runs to find the best exposure, I finally got a decent image of Jupiter bt this was very small compared to the ones I have seen in tutorials on Youtube etc...and I could not get any detail out through registax only the two eqatorial  bands and even these look very un-natural , Keep trying I must, Not sure if or how I can make the image bigger in Registax so that I can get more than 1 align point ont the image ???

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