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Laptop problems outside???

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I'm just about to take the plunge and start using a laptop outside to run Backyard EOS. My laptop is a fairly decent Dell but it's also the one that we use as a general family computer.

Here's my question:

Will using it outside on cold nights put it at risk eg from damage due to dew etc???

What kind of problems have you guys encountered ? Any advice you can give ?

I know it probably might be sensible to buy a really cheap 2nd laptop for this purpose ...


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There's always a risk of damage to electronics outside in dewy conditions.

However, one thing about laptops is that they generally run quite warm, effectively making them their own dew heater. Secondly, they also they have air circulation throughout due to the fans, which makes few formation less likely.

I use a small netbook for my capture, and do sometimes find in very cold conditions they I get some condensation on the outside if the case and occasionally in the screen. On the flip side, I've been using this machine for capture for a year and a half or so with no ill effects.

In the end, it'll probably be fine, but just be prepared to have to replace it if you don't have the same experience, as your mileage may vary!

If say if possible, always use a separate laptop for capture, partly as you can then optimise it it the task, and not have loads of other stuff clogging it up...

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Sounds obvious.........but as its "the general family laptop", before using it outside I would backup any important information on the laptop to an external hard drive, just in case it gets dropped etc. Could be civil war inside the Adrian23 household otherwise.

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Generally no problems outside with my laptop, but I make sure that I use it inside a plastic storage box (85litre), which is placed on it's side - it's a perfect size to have the lappy open, and gives protection to the back & all sides. When I'm leaving the imaging set-up running I then loosely put the lid on (now the front of the box) and hold it in place with 2 bungee cords, the power cable to the lappy stops me using the normal lid closure clips and I don't want to drill holes in the plastic box yet. I have the plastic box on a cheap fold-up table outside and it works fine with the laptop.


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I use mine outside and yes it does attract condensation but so far without problems.

One good thing is that when I bring it back inside and use a softwipe to dry it off it shines up like brand new. :)

If you do use it mains powered, make sure your cable is not in your walking area, nothing worse than hoicking it off the table with an ill placed footfall.


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I started off using an Acer One netbook and it was ok but found that I had issues when using Backyard EOS version 3. I am now using a 6GB dual core laptop and it is so much faster and no issues with BYE. I find that I do get a bit of misting on the screen so I give it the odd blast from the hairdryer and I do the keyboard as well. 

I would advise that you allow it to shut down before taking it back indoors.


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My old dell is built like a tank last year I fell to sleep whilst imaging started at 22:30 woke up at 05:30 the laptop dslr and scope were,covered in ice and it still works with no ill effects,it's not advisable build a little box with a closeing lid and pop a,hold,towel over the box


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