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For the first time in god knows how long I'm out !
I'm sat here, happily guiding away, first destination, a nice wide field of the horse and flame with my ED80, full report later on, hopefully with some decent results.
Anyone else out there lucky enough to have a bit of me time tonight ?

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I've just been out too.  Three cheers for a clear sky! Hip Hip......

The fact i've not been out for a while showed tonight, as I set up, pluged everything in, and started alignmaster.. only to find out that the trial period has expired! Oops! So I sent off my pennies for an activation code and as yet haven't received one.

So, back to the old skool of drift align.

Hope you get some good results, and look forward to seeing them!

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It was clear enough to get set up and aligned and focused, but as soon as I opened the shutter on the first sub the clouds rolled in.

Now reading SGL on the phone in the garden hoping the clouds go away again.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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It's been mostly clear in North Yorkshire tonight though the wind is a bit gusty at times.  I've had to shut the roof a couple of times due to brief showers, but have been able to get up and running quickly after each.  Just about remembered how everything worked, it seems like ages since I had a decent session.

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I gave up at about 10pm as the cloud was getting worse and the forecast was for total cloud cover for the rest of the night.

Looking at the MetOffice last 24 hours cloud coverage images, you can clearly see the cloud hitting Ireland, Wales, Scotland and the west of England, and then dissipating as it crosses England to the east, leaving clear skies on the east coast :sad:

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I got out for what seemed like 5 minutes, but turned out to be two hours :grin:, still learning the ropes so went for a Sky Tour - shame I have so many tall trees and Central Birmingham Glow to contend with. Looking forward to settling in and getting the DSLR out. Probably just a few weeks to wait before the clouds clear again. Maybe I should get the chainsaw out while I wait...


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