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what a shame


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The street light that is the bane of my life failed to come on tonight, just a dull red glow. I suppose I should do the right thing, being a good citizen and all that, and report it. Now, let me see if I can find the number........!

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I have heard that the lamppost in question has quite an unlucky history, 3 or 4 people have had some very strange events happen to them :shocked:

A decent investigative journalist could doubtless bring the council to its knees. The Bermuda Lamp Post...


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There seems to be a lot of physics in my neck of the woods.

Last year Natalie Church... uh, something or other... ?....  :icon_eek:..., drove up through our village while my Wife and I were walking home. She stopped and asked us where the local pub was, even though she had been there before. Not saying a word, I put both my index fingers on my temples,  closed my eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again; guess she couldn't read my telepathic message,  and gave me the DIRTIEST LOOK  I'VE  RECEIVED  IN  MY  LIFE. ...... Great fun to say the least.   :biggrin:  

Ha ha ha ha   :angel4:

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The council installed a street light directly outside my house, once upon a time, a long time ago. It was odd to say the least; it seemed to exert some strangely intensified gravitational pull . . . but only on .22 air rifle pellets.  Weird, huh?

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The council installed a street light directly outside my house, once upon a time, a long time ago. It was odd to say the least; it seemed to exert some strangely intensified gravitational pull . . . but only on .22 air rifle pellets.  Weird, huh?

Redneck neighbours?

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