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Startravel 120 or Evostar 80ed for observing?

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I'm looking to get a small refractor for grab and go. It will be used for observing not AP.

I was very close to ordering the Evostar 80ed kit but had a second thought that the Star travel may be a better choice ??? Will the better quality of the 80mm show more on D.S.O. or will the 120mm show more ? Hope that someone has had the good fortune to look through both scopes.

Any advice welcome.

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Personally I'm not keen on the ST refractors and the bigger they get the more colourful the view, I prefer a smaller sharper scope.  The 120 has a lot more light grasp but I don't know how the quality of the view would compare, I'm guessing the ED80 would be a tighter image.

I do use a f8 120 at a club which I think is very nice for the money but not really a grab and go.  

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To answer your question, which shows more on DSO's:

The ST120 wins everytime. Aperture wins out always for faint fuzzies. But for what the ST120 costs you could have a 130P or 150P, which weighs no more and not hugely larger either. But outperforms the ST120 with ease (except for pleasing tight stars).

Having had both the ED80 and ST120 and faced with having to only keep one, i would choose the ED80 everytime. Reason being the ED80 is not too far off the ST120 for DSO's, perhaps because the ED80 actually focuses all the light that enters the lens rather than scatter it around diminishing the contrast. But also because the ED80 can do all the other things (solar, lunar, planetary, doubles) better than the ST120.

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Thanks for that Russ I have a 200p and this scope will spend a lot of time in my car boot so has to be a refractor. The fact that you would have the 80ed over the st120 speaks volumes and I dont want to get a 120 to regret it. The scope will be used at a dark site anyway which allso makes a difference .

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I've spent about 3 months deciding on a frac I was decided on the st120 but I've now gone for the ED80 as others have said it seems the better scope all round, the st line by the sounds are pretty weak on planetary and lunar where as the ed80 will give me sharp views on both DSO planetary, lunar and also the added benefit of solar observing and imagery eventually

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Thanks for the advice, ST120 ordered but I'm going to look for a small second hand WO Zenithstar ll as well .

The ST will be a nice scope for the boot of the car. Its an excellent low to medium power scope. I think people only get disappointed with the Startravel when they expect them to be a good all round telescope. But a scope to pull from the car at a dark site and scan the heavens, they are definitely in their comfort zone.

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Scopes sorted, very pleased with them. The WO is the 66sd .Managed first light for them and it would take a book to explain my findings. They are both amazing scopes and the CA on the 120 is easily controlled by stopping down , I have found the dust cap supplied to be just right for Jupiter.

Roll on two weeks time when I can get them to my dark site.


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