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A Second Attempt At The Seven Sisters


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Here is the result of a pretty dodgy night's action yesterday:


5 x 900s Subs at 800ISO, calibrated with darks, flats & bias.

I'm pleased with the result given the not perfect conditions. It was great just to get out there and see some stars at last! I look forward to imaging this when it is properly clear and of course, gathering a whole lot more data...

Whatever, it is certainly an improvement on my first attempt: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/199681-first-go-at-m45-the-pleiades/

I also took a snap of my set-up, with a passing cloud. I've named this shot: "The Aurora Marlborealis" (my back garden is in Marlborough.... ha ha...)


Surely the proper clear skies will eventually return...!

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Nice bit of nebulaic material caught there, especially around the Electra region. Love how you've captured the yellow star colour with the blue material contrasting.

Another medal for capturing it during this rubbish winter season  - or is Wiltshire immune? :)

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Thank you Will & Pete.

It's a large and familiar object, but seems to be tricky to image properly. When the clear skies return (feels like never...), I will be returning to do The Sisters justice! I struggled to contain the brightest stars and ended up using too much Photoshop trickery on them, rather than 'real' data...

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