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Lunar imaging from the 20th.


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Hello :smiley: , 

Set up in the early hours yesterday for some lunar images.
By the time everything had cooled down and the camera was set up the misty cloud had rolled in. I got some frames anyway. Glad I did :grin: !

Still haven't had a perfect night with this new camera but I already love it.

All taken with skywatcher 200p with the stock 2x barlow. ASI120MM and IR742nm filter.

Firstly; Pitiscus.


Pitiscus by Daniel Robb, on Flickr
Secondly, Aristoteles. 
Aristoteles by Daniel Robb, on Flickr
Thirdly a mosaic of the southern highlands. Reduced the contrast on this one...because I personally prefer it. Looks more natural. 
Finally, Rupes Altai. I love this feature, always drawn to it. Just love how clearly the cliffs show. You can see the shade under the cliff on the right very clearly.
Rupes Altai by Daniel Robb, on Flickr
All criticisms and comments appreciated, 
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Lovely shots, Dan :smiley: I grabbed some frames a few nights back when it was a bit misty, and it doesn't seem to have harmed the shots at all looking at the stacked images :smiley: Can't wait to process them once I get a few other images finished!

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