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Using camera lenses with modded 1000D

Chris S

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I often use my Canon 300 F4 for astrophotography with an unmodded 1000D. I have been planning to astro-mod it but this morning read that modding a camera can change the focus point at infinity and this makes it impossibe to focus camera lenses at infinity and means that the camera will only focus at infinity with a scope, and not with camera lenses.

Is this the case with a modded 1000D and Canon lenses?


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Don't have one but from reading I think the situations is that if the filter is removed then the camera cannot achieve correct focus. If the filter is removed and the alternative is put in it's place then the camera can achieve correct focus.

In effect the "new" IR filter is simply moved a bit to allow the Ha wavelengths through (more) so there is not that great a change made and the camera is OK.

So the answer depends on does the mod include the replacement of the present filter with a fractionally wider IR pass filter or not.

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I often use my Canon 300 F4 for astrophotography with an unmodded 1000D. I have been planning to astro-mod it but this morning read that modding a camera can change the focus point at infinity and this makes it impossibe to focus camera lenses at infinity and means that the camera will only focus at infinity with a scope, and not with camera lenses.

Is this the case with a modded 1000D and Canon lenses?


This has caught a few people out in the past. Not only can the lenses you use not focus to infinity but can also focus in between incorrectly. Some lenses will focus to infinity because they can focus passed due either to design, as in some of the very long lenses, or with auto focus lenses having to focus passed infinity to achieve correct focus confirmation. Have I explained that well ?..... No !

Ways round it appear to be either shim the chip or use a Baader glass replacement to be sure. As Ronin has said,


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I have also a question about modded Canon cameras. If I understand bodtwos anwser, the lens would be longer out then before modification?

But which modification does is the best? Baader IR-mod or without IR-filter at all?

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If you're going to be using Astronomik clip filters there won't be a problem, when I had my 600D modded (hot mirror removed) I tried focusing my old Zuiko 50mm lens on it and was disappointed that it wouldn’t focus on infinity, I then realised I’d forgotten to put the CLS clip filter in, I checked it with the filter and it focused on infinity with no problem. I have the 300mm F4 L lens and can check this evening to see if it will focus without the clip filter.


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Any problem with any of the methods? IR or full spectrum? Both works?

Maybe I have a Canon 1100D modded camera on its way to me, I can choose to IR-mod it or have it full spectrum. I am totally uninterested to do day-time photography with it. Maybe I want to connect it to my Nikon AF-S 300/4D IF-ED lens with an adapter and I want to achieve infinity focus otherwise I am only use it with my scope.

(sorry for bad English and grammar)

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I have and use a FULL full spectrum modded 1000D - both original filters removed.

For objective grating spectroscopy I have to use standard camera lenses - the solution is to use a Astronomik MC (clear) clip in filter.

This brings all the lenses back into focus without introducing any secondary filtering.

Highly recommended.

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But in my case, I never going to use Canon lenses, I am probably not going to buy any either. I am happy if I can focus with my Nikon lenses with an adapter. Where can I buy a Astronomik CLS filter? Does it effect the picture quality?

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If I understand it correctly EF is the same as DX in the Nikon world? Its cameras and lenses for crop sensors?

I think I did a wise choice to choose IR/UV-cut filter from Baader instead of a full spectrum camera.

Thanks for all replies for my newbie Canon questions. I had an opportunity to get a modified camera as an compensation and there was only one model that I could choose but I could choose which modification that I wanted to have. I already have one really great DSLR camera but its not modified. But I found a modified version here that sounds interesting but way out of my budget.


Heat reduction mod? Anyone that have tested that?

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