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Fantastic observatory PC!

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Since I am in the constant "build the observatory control unit as compact as possible" game, I keep a sharp lookout for good PCs to use in my projects. So I stumbled on this and just had to buy it.

I measures a mere 114 x 108 x 29 mm and has an i3 processor, two memory slots and an mSATA slot for SSD. I equipped it with 4GB of RAM to start with, and an Intel 240 GB SSD. Two USB3-ports, one HDMI, one DisplayPort, Gigabit Ethernet and WiFi.

I have it running Windows 7 x64 with MaximDL, ACP, FocusMax and all my drivers and stuff and it rocks.

Highly recommended, and a total price of less than £400 including freight (not including software).


(I put my business card on it for size reference)


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The screen is where you are. The PC is in your observatory :)

I use standard remote desktop from whatever computer I am sitting at. I never have a screen in the observatory as there is no need for one.


I ordered this from one of the larger suppliers in Sweden, Dustin. Since it is of a reputable standard brand (Gigabyte) I am sure it is availabel in the UK as well. Just Google "gigabyte uk distributor". The part is called "GIGABYTE BRIX I3-3227U WLAN/HDMI/DP/LAN BAREBONE" and has a Gigabyte part number of GB-XM12-3227. It comes without memory and SSD.


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That is pretty cool! With only 2 USB ports is that enough for all your stuff? Also I would highly advise bumping up to 8GB of RAM. I don't know how patient you are but for me when it comes to computers im not very patient lol. 4GB might do it since theres "no screen" but not sure how it will react having to do everything from remote login. Keep us posted on how it holds up. This could be a keep for anyone doing remote obsys.

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It kicks pretty good on 4GB, but I will add another four for sure. Now, I need one USB port only as my Astrobox has a powered and remotely switchable USB HUB built-in. It takes the load of camera and all really well.

I already use a much less capable Asus EEE-pc with just one USB connected and it is not a bottleneck in any way, so this little beast should be really good.

Will keep you posted!


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  • 1 year later...

Very interesting topic. Since I had lots of problems with my 5m long usb cables, I decided to control my mount remotely via small pc. I have a question, how this Brix withstands low temperatures? I plan to install it close to my mount to keep all cables short. I had lots of drop offs, I have tried everything, but still have equipment disconections from time to time. Hoping, shorter cables and remote control will help me to sort things out. :)

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Nice find. I suspect some of the small till pcs could be used similarly. (They are generally x sff pcs with lots of good performence i/o ports).

Sent from my iPhone so excuse the typos!

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I am just watching my little (pictured above) i3 plate solve repeatedly, and it takes less than 3 seconds on average. i3 is definitely good enough for astro unless you want to do processing - which you don't on the observatory PC anyway...


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fujitsu also do a line of very compact desktop pcs - and they are extremely well built and spec'd. Although they are a little pricier at about £500

plus they usually have 2x usb3 ports and 4x usb2 ports

I used to use a Fujitsu Teampos2000 as a observatory pc at one point!

Sent from my iPhone so excuse the typos!

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I picked up a micro-pc for my mount and couldn't be more pleased. I went with a Zotac CI320, it has a bit less grunt than Per's I3 Gigabyte but it's got enough for what I want it for.



I mainly chose it for its 6 usb ports because I wanted to do the following with it and I have an aversion to usb hubs. Cables to the floor were reduced from 10 to 4 which made a large and very noticeable improvement to guiding, I have 2 heater band cables, pc power and a 10amp 12v supply that is split between the mount/camera/focuser etc, everything else is on the mount and balanced.


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