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Galaxies in Gemini area! Yes really


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First clear night for a while so out came the 14 inch Darkstar dob.

Gemini looks in a good position. So after the obligatory eskimo and intergalactic globular visit I looked at the Taki atlas and thought lets have a go at a few of the galaxies in Gemini I have not yet bagged. 

Started with a pair NGC 2274/5. These are just over 200 million light years away and pretty faint. However both were clearly visible tonight with averted vision.


I must admit I then strayed in to Lynx and Cancer.

NGC 2273 in Lynx was the brightest tonight. Mag11 and a lovely barred spiral with a halo in the photos but I could only see the core.


Also spotted tonight NGC 2507 / NGC 2337 / NGC 2344.

I also must confess to looking at NGC 2158 the cluster near M35. It is such a special little scattering of light.

Lets hope 2014 brings more clear skies more often.


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Nice report Mark  :smiley:

I thought clouds would spoil things tonight but it's looking v.nice here at the moment. Best make the most of it though - there is some more nasty stuff coming across the Atlantic for late Sunday / early Monday I believe !

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Neat, got these on my dark sky list,

In Gemini,

NGC 2339 (11.6)

NGC 2418 ( 13)

NGC 2274 ( 13)

NGC 2365 (14)

NGC 2487 (14)

I have seen the brighter Lynx ones. Draco, Lynx and Camelopardalis still surprise with what's available. Now for 2014 ,it's either more aperture or a small imagining set up !


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Mark it was pretty clear here last night although I had lots of dew. I guess that the 14" Dob is going to make a big difference in your galaxy hunting. I love my 10" Dob because I can easily move it down to my observing site but I really fancy a bigger scope.

Clear skies for 2014 and look forward to meeting up again.

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Yes lots of dew...95% plus humidity on my new Oregon weather station (Chris pressy)...

So I used the wifes hair dryer...on the 12mm xcelx eyepiece then on the finder scope and then the secondary...good job I have an outdoor elec socket!

Another holiday in Bude..yes that would be nice Mike...but without a van the scopes stuck in Thornbury!

Perhaps I need a 16 inch scope?


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