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In the area of less glass.....

Believe it or not, a quality Kellner can give very good DSO views. Exceptional light throughput. At least as good as an ortho or plossl.

I have a few Japanese KK Kellners(volcano top ala the orthos) and a much maligned 15mm Tal Kellner. They surprise me. Often. 

I don't do fast scopes though.


edited for horrific use of the english language :embarassed:

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I had a very old 28mm RKE. Stress very.

It was very relaxing to view through. Huge eyelens. When I tried it out alongside my MKII Tal plossl, I prefered the Tal. So the RKE left a few years back, when I had an eyepiece clearout. Known in this household as 'The year of the great purge'.



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I just read Yong's link http://www.cloudynights.com/item.php?item_id=2729 ,I'm glad I'm not the only one to see differences between EP's on M42.On the basis of cost then I guess the Sterling plossl is great at $40.00 and Johns choice, the Baader Classic ortho at $80.00 is fantastic.All the recommendations are appreciated and should help us pick from a wide variety of EP's at an afforable price point,new or used

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I don't have a wide variety of EPs at the same FL to play these comparison games!  :grin:

But if we included FL too, then I'd say my much maligned (or marmite edition!) 18mm ES 82o !

There's more detail and contrast through the Meade 5000 UWA 14mm, but you just can't get it all in to capture the overall splendour of the object.


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bingevader,the ES 18mm really showed well last night in very challenging conditions,excellent contrast and I mean excellent.I really hope the difference between my 21mm Ethos and the 18mm ES is due to the magnification separation....the ES showed M81/M82 better,and was equal on the M42 complex.Flame neb in 18mm was great,as were everything I pointed it at.It does have a flaw,but its benefits far outweigh it.This was under 21.6 avg sky,4/5 transparency with M33 visible naked eye.Oh ya and -35 at the end of the night.

What is marmite?

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We have a 500g jar going down very nicely thanks!  :grin:

You jest surely!?

Merry Xmas!

Merry Christmas bingevader and and I jest not!LOL! :smiley: My 16mm Nagler when held up to a light will show the field stop edge as a blue ring,as does my 18mm ES.On some stars at the field edge in the 18mm ES,they show a blue colour sometimes-this is at f 4.8 however.Eye position plays a role here.The thing is the contrast of this ES eyepiece is so good its not funny,excellent image brightness.I'm going to check the Nagler out in the 4.8 dob more too when conditions allow,but I already know this....I would buy the ES 18mm before the 16mm Nagler-$150.00 vs $350.00 and the difference is minimal to my eye,on the objects I view.

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Gerry, thats the "ring of fire" effect. A well known issue with many ultra wide eyepieces including Naglers and others. It's caused by modern multi-coatings, even the very best ones, not refracting light perfectly equally when viewed at an oblique angle I believe.

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