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rotary encoder with remote display


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iv got one of these but made by gemred 

machine dro keep sending me emails telling me offers directly on their website.... just looked and i could only find the stupid expensive types perhaps a wanted ad on astro buy and sell might work.....

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I bought one from the e-bay front for http://www.allendale-stores.co.uk/ (same price as their site just easier purchase interface) - but now they don't have it in stock either (this was after a period of no-one having them in stock around last Christmas).  I haven't used mine much as fabricating an adaptor proved too tricky for me and my base.  Machine-Dro, Axminster tools, Gem Red websites all no longer list them.  I remember Axminster had a sale last Christmas on them and after that removed them from their product list - doesn't look good (but then a couple of months later they showed up on Allendale).  Astro buy and sell is probably the way to go like garethmob said.

I got an Astro Fix Locator and I have to say I prefer the Astro Fix.  -  On the Astro Fix web site there's a video comparing the two http://www.manortronics-force-gauges.com/Astro-Fix-accuracy.html .  The Astro Fix has a red back light, is easily transferred to other scopes and does both alt & az in one (and also has an EQ mode). Seems to work okay for me (but I've taken my 'larger' scope apart for rebuilding so I haven't really tested it on DSOs). 

The only problem I can think of is that the last time I saw an AstroFix on ebay it sold for only a third of the original price.

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Hi joseki,

I just wondered if you'd be interested in selling yours if its not being used ?

Just drop me a PM if your interested.

Ive looked at the astrofix but it doesnt seem to able to show alt and az at the same time which could be frustrating whereas he gemred would sit side by side next to my wixey to give a dual display, and the design ive been working on was based on the gemred version but now thet're there out of stock .... typical !


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Yes, you're right the Astro Fix only displays one of them at a time.  Moving from one point to another requires you zero the altitude (i.e. move the scope to the horizontal), switch to azimuth, move to the new azimuth then up to the new altitude (though I also have a gemred inclinometer).  I will send you a PM about my one, as I am quite happy to part with it. 


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