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Gonna pull the trigger and hope the recoil isn't too bad

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I've often wondered about a nice big Dob - how much you can actually see after being used to long exposure AP pulling out the faint details of DSOs.  Of course, I could plonk a 10" Newt OTA on the EQ8 and not have to nudge :D

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Let me warn you - long exposure AP can get extremely expensive particularly once you get addicted :D

That's what worries me. But I do have a great friend that is an expert in photography and together we are going to see what we can come up with.

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with regard to wide field eyepieces, I agree that it is cheaper to buy a scope than to try and squeeze more field from your existing kit. only one of my four scopes is more expensive than my two most expensive eyepieces and one of my scopes is cheaper than my cheapest eyepieces.

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I think I made the right choice. Getting almost 2x the aperture than my 130. The 12 would be nice but I plan on taking it to my nearby dark site so the lighter 10 just made sense.

The missus didn't seem to put off by the idea of the new addition. All she wanted was a new sewing machine so that was purchased just after :grin:

If she's happy, I'm happy!!!

You'll actually be gathering 4x the amount of light that you were with the 130. Trust me, you'll certainly notice the difference!

Congrats on the new scope, Matt!!

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Good luck for some clear skies soon, Matt, and let us know what you make of the new scope!

I was out with my 10 for 90 minutes last night. Jupiter was the best I've seen it for a while, a 10 can show you a lot of detail on it when conditions are good. I felt pretty emotional looking at the Double Cluster high up in the sky, it was staggeringly beautiful with the brighter stars like jewels. And M42, well if it doesn't blow your socks off (do you say that your side of the pond :grin: ) with the 10, I would be surprised!

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Good luck for some clear skies soon, Matt, and let us know what you make of the new scope!

I was out with my 10 for 90 minutes last night. Jupiter was the best I've seen it for a while, a 10 can show you a lot of detail on it when conditions are good. I felt pretty emotional looking at the Double Cluster high up in the sky, it was staggeringly beautiful with the brighter stars like jewels. And M42, well if it doesn't blow yo/ ur socks off (do you say that your side of the pond :grin: ) with the 10, I would be surprised!

I'm ready for my socks to be blown off as right now with these temperatures I wear at least 2 pair!

What kind of EP were you using for Jupiter?

And I know that the website claims views up to 400x but what kind of reasonable magnification could I expect with the Z10 for planets?

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Wow, that's a lot of socks to be blown off, good job you went for a huge increase in aperture :grin:

I was a bit lazy last night and grabbed the eyepieces that were to hand, which were 10, 8 and 5mm for Jupiter last night, giving me about 125x, 156x, and 250x with my 1250mm focal length dob.

I don't tend to go above 300x (I find it too blurry for my taste), though I know some of the other folks do, I think it's a try it and see if it works for you thing.

I generally like observing Jupiter at about 180x to 225x, and up to 300x if the conditions are superb (very rare here!).

At the higher powers, Jupiter is blurry quite a lot of the time but now and again it drifts into sharp focus if the conditions are good. :cool:

Some nights it's just very blurry and I can't see much detail at all, so don't worry if your first views are not so good on it, most of my views of it this season have not been that great. But when it's good, wow! :shocked:

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According to the tracking info it is still scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Only problem is nobody will be here for most of the day. The GF and the kids will be gone to a post Christmas party and I have to go back to work. 

It should be there when I get home from work so I'm looking forward to getting home and getting the Z10 assembled. But also kind of bums me out that while I'm assembling the new scope I could be out with the SLT the skies are supposed to be pretty good for viewing. 

Maybe I'll just wait till Friday morning to put the new scope together and just go out Thursday night and get some decent viewing in. It's been awhile and I'm getting anxious.....

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Looking forward to it arriving and some pictures too would be nice :).

I'm really looking forward to it arriving! If it wasn't for the fact that I would lose 2 days worth of holiday pay I would almost consider calling in sick to work!

Pictures to come of the assembly when I finally get a chance to lay my hands on it.

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Glad to see you stuck to getting the 10" over the 12".

I got the 12", and though I LOVE the viewing, I have already hurt my back once, lifting and carrying the OTA from the mount.   No stairs, just from inside to outside.

Next for me, is a $350 pull cart.  :(

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Another thing to think about Matt is that astronomy is a long time hobby so although like me you don't want to do A/P now- perhaps further down the track when your more experienced that might change- then you've got yourself a great visual scope for short trips or out in the back garden and a second set up for the photos - you may never want or need to change the 10 Inch scope- sounds like a brilliant choice to me- make sure you give us a write up the first time you get to use it.

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It should be there when I get home from work so I'm looking forward to getting home and getting the Z10 assembled. But also kind of bums me out that while I'm assembling the new scope I could be out with the SLT the skies are supposed to be pretty good for viewing. 

Maybe I'll just wait till Friday morning to put the new scope together and just go out Thursday night and get some decent viewing in. It's been awhile and I'm getting anxious.....

You don't have to worry about that little dilemma. When the new scope arrives, so will the clouds!
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  • 3 weeks later...

RIght you were. Have yet to take her out for first light. Either it has been bitter cold or the snow will not let up.

Ouch! Sorry about that. Just typical when getting new astro gear. Weather sucks over here as well. Only had a brief 20 mins lunar session with the tiny Mak a couple of weeks ago.

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What really grinds my gears is the last few nights while at work, the skies were nice and clear. A few hours later when I get done, clouds have rolled in. I might have to bring the scope in to work with me and set it up and sneak out every once in a while and take a peek.

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