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first M81 & M82 with SW 130pds and Canon 450D


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since the weather is ghastly for weeks on end - I've started playing with a small amount of data that I've acquired in November this year. One can always improve on processing skills...

this is my first go at M81 & M82



29x300s (2hrs 15mn) Canon450D Astronomik CLS filter

130PDS - HEQ5

9x50 finder guider QHY5

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I always do 20 F/D/B.

Thanks guys!!

Currently I'm not happy with my processing... It's better than before and I understand all the basic techniques (layer masking, star layers, galaxy core/outer arms, high pass filter...) - but I'd like to get onto the next level. Man, it IS a steep learning curve indeed!!!

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I always do 20 F/D/B.

Thanks guys!!

Currently I'm not happy with my processing... It's better than before and I understand all the basic techniques (layer masking, star layers, galaxy core/outer arms, high pass filter...) - but I'd like to get onto the next level. Man, it IS a steep learning curve indeed!!!

Looks very good indeed

Have you tried having a go at someone elses data? Like some professional, multi hour data from an observatory or large telescope. I found that it helped my processing skills. There are some stacked but unprocessed images on the pixinsight site that you can play with.


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I like them a lot. Targets I've personally always struggled with so I'm impressed when you see good imaging like that. Couple of questions:

1. Did you use the clipin taking that image?

2. Where did you learn the processing from? Did you use the YouTube tutorials? 



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Thanks guys!! That's very kind.

I made it slightly blue tinged - personal choice - better than green or red.

I learned the absolute basics from Doug German's YouTube videos on astrophotography processing in photoshop:


(Now I follow his site budget-astro.com on Facebook)

Then I bought two books from Jerry Lodriguss:




I took his main advice - muck about with holiday pics first - that got me into it more. One of the sites I used for more info was by Ron Bigelow: http://www.ronbigelow.com/articles/selections-2/selections-2.htm

And then I found another helpful YouTube tutorial set:


Other sites I've used:






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thanks Russe - I should point out the purpose of my question is basic jealousy in that your processing is far better than mine so wondered if you had tips! ;)

Clipin question was simply because I wondered if it was accounting for the slight blue tinge on the pics? DSS sometimes does a great job of removing but every now again again one of mine still has that blue hue you get with it?


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