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I think I have a piccy of ISONs remains.....


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Finally got a chance to gather a few subs the other morning using the comet tracking feature of my mount.

I checked the estimated position of whatever is left of ISON on a couple of sites, and matched that with the coordinates in my mounts handset.

Just managed to get 3 x 10 minutes exposures before the clouds and murk blocked the view again, but there is a small, pitiful really, brighter patch at roughly where the comet should be in the frame.

Now it might be a galaxy, I need to check the position against a sky map, but if not, then it just might be a snap of what is left of the "Comet of the century!"

Will post a pic soon.


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Just checked, there is no mini galaxies there, but it just might be a trace of the little planetary nebula IC4593.

Another session will answer the question....COME ON CLEAR MORNING SKIES!!!!!!

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This is where I need your help....  The camera was pointing at RA 16:11 / DEC12:45  on 14/12/13 at 05:30- 06:00, the FOV of the camera is 77.6 x 116.4 arcmin, images scale 1.74arcsec/pixel.

I have identified the smudge that MAY be ISON in the picture, or may just be a bit of IC4593.

I'm not very good with these mathsy things, or at matching stars up to see if it is the planetary nebula or the comet.

Anyone got a keen eye??  



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It's all a bit disappointing really, "Comet of the Century" and all that. To think we spent a whole year building up to this!!

That's astronomy for you. Better than it not being there at all. At least it was something to talk about. Some great images were taken of it.

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I made a blink movie of the first and last frames I took, and the bright smudge moves in relation to the stars, so it's not that, must be IC4593. That planetary is dimmer than mag 11 so I guess there's a fair chance that if anything at all does remain of ISON, it wont be a visual object for many.

Oh well, bring on the next one!

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