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Re-worked Solar Disc 8th December 2013 , 13:15 GMT.

Steve Ward

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Just spent the afternoon chained to the laptop determined to get more from the promising looking 'Red' setting subs that foxed me earlier ....  :smiley:

After a lot of playing I decided on a different approach , first I fed the very best six frames to the Gimp ... ( should of used more really but as I was just playing I saved a bit of time by just using six )

First step was a gentle touch of Gaussian blur to eliminate the 'lines' that were bugging me , then four very soft iterations of Unsharp mask to ease out the detail , lastly I flipped the frames vertically then exported.

Then it was back in known territory , stacked the six frames in Reg 5.1 using very careful manual alignment , then very careful application of Wavelets to tease out the detail .

Very pleased with the result , beginning to see penumbral structure now , even at the full disc scale ....  :laugh:

Full Disc.


Crop of Bottom Left.


Crop of Right hand side.


1000D + ED80Pro + 'Scopium' Wedge + Continuum + IR Block.

Gimp 2.8 , Reg 5.1 , 6/6.

Full resolution here .... http://www.astrobin.com/full/67495/0/?real=&mod=

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Thank you sir ....  :smiley:

A few more subs would help to clean up the edge I think , there was a definite 'saw blade' edge due to the seeing ....  :p

Just need to figure a speedier method now , though I think that practice will pay dividends obviously.

Will be nice to be able to pick just a dozen good frames to use rather than fishing for fifty or sixty ....  :laugh:

Looking forward to getting the SPC900 Mono into the equation next , fingers crossed ....  :smiley:

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Nice one Steve, lots of detail coming through.  Also a hot overworked laptop will help keep the temperature up in the house.

No sun whatsoever up here, just rain and it is looking promising for the northern lights tonight.


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It's stopped raining but we have total cloud cover, so no chance for the northern lights tonight. I am pining my hopes on Tuesday, forecast is good and I have just bought a 4" frac for white light solar imaging, it should arrive from FLO on Tuesday, fingers crossed.


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Interesting. I had looked at wedges a few times and may well consider one ahead of next summer (not much point at the moment as I would barely get to use it). I was concerned that I would not be able to use my 1100D on the back of it and was reluctant to spend another £350+ on a mono camera.

Further investigation required.

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