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M33 - done :D

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Hello everybody,

here my first attempt of M33.

30 subs x 30sec. stacked with DSS and post-processed with CS5.1

The second picture i suppose is a satellite trail because it came up in 2 subs x 30sec.

Unfortunately in that moment my sweet wife switched on a light on a window facing the backyard :D

Here also i give you the link to my tiff if you fancy to play with it:




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Wow! I've never heard of Startools. Is that free? What exactly does it do?


Many thanks but I think that the OP deserves most of the credit for his capture. I have both StarTools and Pixinsight and I am just starting with PI and I am bit more advanced with ST. With regret ST is not free although the trial version is fully  functional and not time limited, just the save feature is disabled and the price is very reasonable. It does have an initially steep learning curve but nothing too difficult although it does need  a powerful machine with a lot of RAM,  8 Gig+. I would be glad to list what I have done in StarTools but unless one is familliar with the software it would be more like talking nonesense, but for the fun of it here it goes but just the steps and not the settings.

Open file, Bin data to 25% ( DSLR files are huge and slow to develope for me)  Auto develop module with ROI activated to assess the capture. Crop to get rid of stacking artefacts, Manual initial develop with Star mask, Wipe module activated to remove vigneting and Gradients with mask . Redevelop with a DeCon mask and Dark anomaly filter activated. HDR module with Core Reveal ( very moderate setting) . Wavelet sharpening with Decon Mask, Adjust contrast . Colour Module for colour calibration, stop Tracking ( the data is no longer linear here ) and Denoise. Flux  sharpening after Denoise with inverted star mask, save as tiff. Open in PS to assess and save as PNG. After all this I hope that I have not put you off.  



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Excellent result for 30 sec subs, I see in your sig that you have a goto dob, did you do this with your goto dob? if so hat of to you!

Thank you mate, yes done with the dob and goto

Can you say what you did? That would be very helpful if it's not too difficult to explain, of course!

That's a lovely capture jarlaxle2k5. Well done!


Cheers Alexxx :)

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very nice M33 you have got too be pleased with that! 30 second subs for a quite dim target you have got a good result

I am delighted, i didn't expect this result at all and actually when i started shooting i was concerned about star trail and the focus.

Well done with the short exposures.  Good start. In this game, more and longer is the way to go if you can. Sat trails are easy to fix in Photoshop so don't discard too many subs on that score.


The sat trail came just on 2 subs over 30 but i separated them on purpose because i was surprised to be so lucky to dected a satellite trail in that specific small patch of sky that i was patrolling :D

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