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Sun In White Light 13-11-2013. 10:15

Steve Ward

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Rushing around up and down a ladder first thing to get the shot before the thick haze obscured him .... Very happy to report that the EQ3-2 and 14' pier combo is back up and running for the winter months .....  :grin:

No time for any Mak play so grabbed a few AVI's with EOSMovieRec for the close-ups.






1000D + ED80Pro + ND3.8 + 1.8 x Barlow + OIII.

1/500s @ ISO 200 , 40/100 , Reg 5.1 , Gimp 2.8.

Day by day album ... http://www.astrobin.com/users/steveward53/

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Another fine selection, Steve :smiley:  I was foiled by the clouds, the best I managed was a peek through thin cloud. I couldn't see the spots properly, but at least I could get a sense of how dense they were on the disc. A very dramatic sight even with the cloud :) I fared a bit better with a 5 second view in H-a, with some super proms including a massive loop. I wish I could have imaged today!

That's cool news about saving for the Lunt 60 :laugh:

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Lovely Steve! And good to see your big pier is back in action! I managed a peek this morning through a light haze which rapidly got worse! Despite the view not being the best, it was worth it to see all those spots.


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