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Maxvision 68° Okular 16mm or ES 82° 14mm


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I'm looking for a medium power ep and these two are on the list.  I have the MV 24mm and I love it but I've also found a lot of love for the ES.  However, it a few people have had issues with it in that they suffered from field curvature.

Anyone care to pitch in?

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I love my 14mm ES. I too have heard mixed reviews but my own personal experience with it has been great (young eyes may help here :grin:). It's quite similar to my WO UWAN in performance (though it does seem to have a slightly warmer cast - not worse, just different). Having said that there is a large difference in price between the two, so don't know how much this will swing it for you.

Going from personal experience of the ES and what I've heard of the MV I'm certain you wont be disappointed with whichever EP you finally choose. I'd say it's down to personal choice now in terms of AFOV... plus the extra cash of course!

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With or without spectacles at age 60 (or so) I could not get on with the 14mm ES82.  I find the ES68 16mm very tight but manageable with my short sight and spectacles, he 16mm is a very nice lightweight eyepiece and I would expect the MV to be similar.

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I've got both and there's not  lot in it. Both cover the same TFOV, with the ES14 offering slightly darker sky due to the slightly higher magnification.

I personally think the MV is a tad sharper at the edges, but I find it slightly more fussy about eye positioning. ER as a non issue with both, as I don't wear glasses for viewing. I'm also finding that I find SWAs easier to use than UWAs, as you don't have to snap your eyeball tendons to see if something is hiding near the field stop.

I have to say, that the MV represents better value in performance terms, simply because it is so much cheaper, but the ES82s are very nicely made EPs and there is a value in that too. Buying the MV will let you afford another EP sooner though.


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Well, after going crossed-eyed from doing so much research, I think I'll go for the ES. Double the price of the MV I know but, after having had some really nice views of M42 in my MV 24mm 68 recently,  I'd like to add a wider medium power ep to get a little closer so the ES seems like a good bet. The ES100 seems to hugely well regraded and I'd really love to be nuts enough to spring for it but it's a little out my range.

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I have read about field curvature in the 14mm ES80 but to be honest this eminates from one single posting somewhere and has been carried on in many subsequent posts.  As a frequent user of this superb ep I have not found any field curvature in my f/9 frac, in fact the ep performs superbly.  I have not tried the MV, only heard good reports about them, I believe the MV will have better eye-relief, the ES80 is a bit tight but I can live with this.

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  • 9 months later...

Ok, points taken on board and mind changed.  The MV 16mm is on the way. That means I can have a look at something the high power end of things now so here we agaon, lol.

.... so having changed your mind and gon e for the MV 16mm, how is it? I'm just thinking about getting one at the moment! Cheers! :-)

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