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Foiled by the universe


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All weekend I was watching the weather forecast, and all weekend it was constant that there would be clear dry skies on Monday from 18:00 to 00:00. Brilliant, my daughter wanted to practice aiming the scope with the new telrad, and I wanted to have another go at widefield photography with the camera.

The plan was: get home from work at a decent hour; set the camera up and get it taking a long series of subs; go running in the woods with the dog; come home and get changed; take the kids out to look through the scope; put them to bed; spend the rest of the night taking more photos. It was a good plan, everybody got what they wanted.

The reality: got home at a reasonable hour, heading south on the M5 with Venus directly ahead of me bright as can be.

Got out the camera and laptop; aimed the camera; started Backyard EOS. "This executable can not be found"... what! Go to the program directory, the file is not there, but there is a very similar executable. A bit odd, but I just want to gwt this working, So I click on it. "Avast has identified a malicious executable and quarantined it. "... what. Ok. Uninstal and reinstall Backyard EOS. Can't find the original down load; go to redownload it. No network connection.. Windows had done that thing where it turns of your Wi-Fi connection until you reboot and install the updates. Fuming, I set windows to reboot and go for a run with the dog.

Get home and changed. It is now not too long before the kids bedtime, so I put the camrra/laptop problems off to one side and we concentrate on the telescope. I teach my daughter home the clutches work to move the scope around, and how to aim with the telrad (best thing we bought). I show her how to focus and reminder her to be really gentle with the focussing. She and her brother spend a good half hour loking a Pleiades, Vega and a whole lot of other stars. The I take boy child in to go to bed and my wife and daughter carry on with the scope.

Then girl child comes in to go to bed. I finish reading with them and discusing what we sae in the scope. Finally at 21:00 I can get back out. I quickly reinstall Backyard EOS and take the laptop back out side. This is it, I now have a good 3 hours to put into practice all of the imaging advice everyone has been kind enough to give me over the past couple of weeks.

It's clouded over...Aaaarrrgghh!

I will console myself with the fact that the rest of the family got to spend an evening with the scope and they had lots of fun, but it is still gutting to have waited all week and not got a single frame off ;(

Looking at the weather forecast it is not good for the rest of the week either.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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Avast must have something against capture applications, I have heard several stories about it quarantining bits of FireCapture too.  Rather than reinstalling the entire capture program you should just reinstate the quarantined file through Avast, that way it should not quarantine it again in the future.



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Avast must have something against capture applications, I have heard several stories about it quarantining bits of FireCapture too.

I wonder why it did not complain the first half dozen times I ran the program?..

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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I wonder why it did not complain the first half dozen times I ran the program?..

It only acts when it can do the most damage.  It strikes me that we put up with an awful lot in the name of virus 'protection'...

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It only acts when it can do the most damage. It strikes me that we put up with an awful lot in the name of virus 'protection'...

I dp this stuff for a living, trust me we would be in a lot worse state if we did not have it. Pretty much all of the spam in the world comes from PCs infected with a virus of one form or another. There is a lovely one doing the rounds at the moment that encrypts all of the files on your hard drive and you only get the decryption key after you pay $250 (at which point they have your crwdit card details).

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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Still foiled by the universe. This week was supposed to be my first meet up with the local astrobomy group, but it was rained off. And this weekend we have been away in westest west Wales in a little village with no street lights, but the constant cloud wizzing past means I could not get a shot of anything without clouds in it ;(

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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I had that last night too... was all fired up to test out my new coma corrector, even my 11 year old son was wanting to come and freeze with me (oldest son still prefers his playstation over the universe.) and yup, rain stopped play up in not-so-sunny Cheshire. Ho-hum. Was more bummed that my boy didn't get chance to use my scope, other than in the back garden with uberlightpollution. He's 2-3 years ahead in sciences over the rest of his class at school so firing him up even more is only a good thing. Shame the British educational system is [removed word]-poor at catering for people like him in mainstream education :/ 

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I had that last night too... was all fired up to test out my new coma corrector, even my 11 year old son was wanting to come and freeze with me (oldest son still prefers his playstation over the universe.) and yup, rain stopped play up in not-so-sunny Cheshire. Ho-hum. Was more bummed that my boy didn't get chance to use my scope, other than in the back garden with uberlightpollution. He's 2-3 years ahead in sciences over the rest of his class at school so firing him up even more is only a good thing. Shame the British educational system is [removed word]-poor at catering for people like him in mainstream education :/ 

I suffered the same fate last night, stayed up till 1 am waiting for the sky to clear, it did, rushed everyhing out, set it up, aligned it , slewed to target and then the clouds rolled in again, packed up and went to bed. Tonight I tried for NGC 6960, got eveything set up properly and all I could manage was about 60 minutes with Ha, gave up on the Oiii and came in. Perhaps tomorrow night will be better.

Clear Skies to you all,


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This is the sort of thing I was getting when  was trying to shoot Orion, the clouds just kept rolling in, every time I thought I had got a clear shot another cloud crept into the frame. After 30 minutes of trying I gave up and went to bed.post-32477-0-58916100-1384124213_thumb.p

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