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An incredible new view of Saturn from Cassini.


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Think NASA realised some time back that opening up the data to amateurs meant that some very good images were produced and that in turn meant pubilicity for them.

It is certainly impressive almost looks too perfect, however I guess Cassini is far enough out that the symetry is shown clearly and the small imperfections are lost in the distance, the sharpness of the shadow for instance. That is I guess why the person chose it to process, they could see the possibility in it. Have seen some excellent images come out of the "amateur" side since the various data was made available.

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Processing these images is a bit of a hobby of mine too. Cassini is similar to the Mars landers in that they release raw data (uncalibrated and usually lower dpi) to the public almost as soon as it is received from the spacecraft. The cassini raws can be found here. The compression artifacts are due to this raw processing. After about 6 months the fully calibrated and cleaned up images are put onto the NASA PDS system - this is where you can put together the really top quality montages, etc. I got the data for my Dione montage from there. However I can see why Gordan didn't want to wait for this!

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