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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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There us way too much high cloud over my way and I can't really make anything out. Yes, I can see Jupiter and Venus, but it's not worth dragging the scope out at this time of night. Hope you are having better luck with viewing your way guys :)

Same here, its clouded over Saturn a bit now. on the weather tonight it looked like there was going to be bands of clouds crossing us, so it might clear later in the night, but ill be in bed by then.

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I saw one between Jupiter and Pollux - are you sure it wasn't the one I saw? Really bright! I think it must have been an iridium flare. I saw a belter of a shooting star last night right near Polaris - saw it in the binos as I was looking for Lovejoy - spectacular :)

flare details here :) http://www.heavens-above.com/flaredetails.aspx?fid=29&

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Same here, its clouded over Saturn a bit now. on the weather tonight it looked like there was going to be bands of clouds crossing us, so it might clear later in the night, but ill be in bed by then.

Yeah, I'm just finishing my pint and then heading up myself. Early start at work tomorrow :(

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Early start for me too, but can't resist the early morning lure of Saturn... Looking amazing as usual... ;) just finished some planning, quick look now bed. See you all on the other side :)

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As I did not have my glasses on the only two bright things I could see were Jupiter and Saturn. Could not see Pollux bland as a bat with out them lol. Was just getting in to bed when it happened. Wish I'd have been 3 mins later taking them off I would have seen it in clear view. Thanks for clearing it up as to what it was

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Thierry Legault has managed to travel to Belgium to capture the Iridium flare shooting straight through Jupiter, he has his video of it posted on the Universe Today website.

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Ha ha why did I say Saturn when I mention Venus I'm a dope lol


Hmmm, well I wasn't sure whether you meant Saturn when you originally posted as it is in completely in the opposite direction to where we were looking lol. Venus was too low for me to see from my back yard, but I thought you must have meant Pollux or Venus but didn't want to second guess you lol. I wouldn't have been able to see anything without my specs - I'm lucky to find the bed once I take mine off!

Anyway, at least we all saw it, which is the main thing :)

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Ha ha why did I say Saturn when I mention Venus I'm a dope lol


Hmmm, well I wasn't sure whether you meant Saturn when you originally posted as it is in completely in the opposite direction to where we were looking lol. Venus was too low for me to see from my back yard, but I thought you must have meant Pollux or Venus but didn't want to second guess you lol. I wouldn't have been able to see anything without my specs - I'm lucky to find the bed once I take mine off!

Anyway, at least we all saw it, which is the main thing :)

Thanks for making feel better lol I'm still a dope. It's called putting ur fingers to text before engaging brain

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There is an article in this month's edition asking whether Pluto is a planet. After Jerry's fascinating and elightening talk in Tuesday, it will be interesting to read what their opinion is ;)

I'm sure he will have given a comment about the subject wether they ask for it or not as well

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I'm sure he will have given a comment about the subject wether they ask for it or not as well Mark

The article was not very thorough, and was decidedly dull after Tuesday's rather animated presentation lol. Also, Jerry didn't have any input, which was surprising.

There are however a couple of interesting articles - one on the newly discovered features of Mercury, and another explaining how and when the constellations were drawn up and how they got their names.

Anything of any interest in S@N this month?

Another non-viewing night at least means we can have a browse of our books and magazines I guess :(

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Not got my s@n was not in on Wednesday when I went to whsmiths [emoji57]


I think its out today in the shops, I get mine on subscription so it arrives a day or so before its in the shops i think. 

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I think its out today in the shops, I get mine on subscription so it arrives a day or so before its in the shops i think. 

Forget that, it looks like it was in the shops yesterday, so im totally wrong :) 

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Yay! It's the weekend and my 9 days off work start here...... :D

Same goes for me too Vicky will be loading up my caravan to night and I'm off first thing 7 days r&r. What about you are u off any wear or stoping at home ? [emoji2]


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We're not going on holiday but might try getting out and about with my mum and the kids. My husband had his holiday cancelled and can only have Thursday and Friday off, plus Sophie is doing her GCSE's and wants to be at home to study. However, I could right fancy trying to get out for a few jars over the weekend as the cloud gods look like they are going to scupper any chance of viewing!

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