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NGC6888 in Ha


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The weather here has frankly been dire and so it was with great relief that I managed 3 hours last night - Nothing more, nothing less!! I'd decided on NGC6888 - Nice and high, I could force a flip and follow it down the sky (weather didn't allow that of course!). Not a master piece in any sense of the word, but I just HAD to do something, including a process, I was going stir crazy!!!

I'm planning on adding far more data to this one and some OIII as well. Quite pleased how the soap bubble is showing so far.

M: Avalon Linear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EX 3nm Ha filter

6x1800s Ha, flats and bias.


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Very nice, Sara. The soap bubble is remarkably clear; do you think the ultra-narrow filter made a big difference?

I imaged the area with my old 12nm filter and had to stretch the heck out of the image to get the bubble to appear, so the result was not pretty. That was in badly LP'd sky, mind you.


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Thanks all - I was pleased how the bubble has come through and yes I do think the 3nm filter has something to do with it. But there is masses wrong with this, so I hope to add some more data to it soon to combat noise and artefacts. 6 subs really isn't enough for a decent sigma stack.

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