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comparing borrowed 26mm wide angle ep

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I have managed to borrow wide angle 26mm, 2" eyepiece to try it in my scope (Skywatcher 150p) to get the feel for what's possible and compare it with 25mm that was originally included in what I bought.

I took 22 to 1,25" adapter out of the focuser and stuck in the borrowed eyepiece in and ... problem :sad:

It's only with focuser fully wound out and eyepiece held in my hand (even further out) that I can see anything.

Any ideas?

I can take some pics if it helps explaining my problem, but in the meantime perhaps someone will guess without them?

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It's embarrassing, when (not for the first time  :grin: ) one's stupidity is displayed publicly  on the forum, but hey, it's a beginner's section ...

All of you guys guessed correctly - I have missed the adapter (what a wally :mad: )

Thank you!

I can go back to playing with it (in daytime to get everything sorted out and comfortable, before making even more mess at night).

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It's embarrassing, when (not for the first time  :grin: ) one's stupidity is displayed publicly  on the forum, but hey, it's a beginner's section ...

All of you guys guessed correctly - I have missed the adapter (what a wally :mad: )

Thank you!

I can go back to playing with it (in daytime to get everything sorted out and comfortable, before making even more mess at night).

         You are making a good choice in having a "play" in day light when you can see what you are doing.

        Good luck and clear skies.

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Another thing I am glad of is that I have managed to borrow eyepiece to try before spending any money on buying one.

Looking through it has definitely confirmed all I have read on the forum about problems with cheap wide angle eyepieces on F/5 scope.
I still want one (preferably 2") but will have to wait until I have money to spend or find decent one second hand...

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