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Who uses a Cannon EOS??


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I need a new camera and just having a brows though the EOS range.

Just wondering what results people get with the EOS range.

My scopes a Dob so I'm not expecting amazing results.

Just wondering what to keep an eye out for on that well known auction site really. :grin:

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the canon eos is a great camera for ap due to it's software support, however... I'm not sure I'd buy one "just" to use on a dob. if you plan on using it for daytime or on an eq mount at a later date then it's justifiable but for the dob, a webcam would be a cheaper option for planets and lunar. dso is a no go with a dob. 

of course I'm gonna say.....read "making every photon count". it's a great book and can save you a fortune

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Have you got a pic of a webcam attached to a scope??? Do they really work better than a dslr???

no sorry, I haven't. I got rid of mine because I only do dso. Yeah they do work...have a look in the imaging section (planetary). of course it's possible to spend £ tens up to £ hundreds on a web/planetary camera. At the end of the day, we can only decide for ourselves how much we want to spend on this wonderful hobby :)

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I've got a 60D and it takes lovely pic's though my new 6D blows it out of the water for noise at night, but the only astrophotography i've used them for is fixed tripod work of widefield shots and telephoto moon shots (at the moment).

1000D , 1100D , 450D . . . Take your pick really .

I predominately use a 1000D but have just picked up an 1100D as a back-up having clocked a 90,000 shutter count in two years .

I've still got a Canon EOS 350D 8 years old and over 310,000 shutter count  :eek: still going strong.........saying that it'll probably blow-up next time i use it  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

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Have you got a pic of a webcam attached to a scope??? Do they really work better than a dslr???

Is this what you mean?  (There is (was?) a photo of a webcam on a scope but I can't link to it.)


You can use any webcam but you have to sort out attaching it to the scope.  You can buy webcams specifically for astromony but these tend to be a bit expensive.  However the XBOX 360 webcam is cheap (less than £5), easy to modify  and you can buy adapters to fit into telescope eyepieces although these cost more than the webcam!!!

Long exposures that DSLRs are good at are not practical on a Dobsonian or any untracked scope.  However the high frame rate of a webcam and patience with free stacking software such as Registax means that you can have a go at planetary photography with just about any telescope.

To answer the question "do they really work better than a DSLR", the answer is generally no but with your setup you will get much better results  with a webcam.

Here is one of my first goes with an untracked 4" Newtonion.


and Jupiter demonstrating how quickly it can move out of the field of view and how wobbly my mount was.


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As quite a few of the Astronomy Photographer of the year pics, including the winner, were taken with DSLRs , some not even on a scope/mount , a DSLR looks a good place to start astrophotography.


It just goes to show you don't need all the flash and expensive gear to get a great shot. :)

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It just goes to show you don't need all the flash and expensive gear to get a great shot. :)

Very true Sam, but there's a massive difference between what we want and what we need ;)

Then again, you can get away with a kodak instamatic on a stick if you've got N.Z. skies :0

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Very true Sam, but there's a massive difference between what we want and what we need ;)

Then again, you can get away with a kodak instamatic on a stick if you've got N.Z. skies :0

Not when it's cloudy....... :)

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I have a 200p dob ... 1100d canon dslr .... Modded webcam.

Take a look at my website for pictures using a combination of all 3.

Webcam + scope = pictures of Jupiter

Camera on its own = pictures of constellations and even andromeda galaxy

Camera + scope = various pictures.

Let me know if u have any further questions.


That's my website... Look back a bit for Jupiter pictures.

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