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Light pollution Hell by 2050


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Wouldn't believe a word if it.

When I was kid, robots were going to be doing all the work and we'd be living on the Moon. When we're so desperate to think of fracking for the last resources and developing stem culture meat ,then the end game is in sight.

Old Nick.

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... When we're so desperate to think of fracking for the last resources and developing stem culture meat ,then the end game is in sight.

Sad isn't it, the way we're scraping the bottom of the barrel like that.

I watched an episode of Horizon a while back, where some eminent scientist said that if all the worlds governments pooled their scientific resources, we could solve the containment problems with fusion reactors, and have a commercially viable product ready to go in around forty years. No more fossil fuel burning. If only it didn't rely on this bit " if all the worlds governments pooled their scientific resources"!

As John Cleese (or was it professor Barnhardt?) once said:

"Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right.

But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.

This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer."

Watch this space eh? :smiley:

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I watched an episode of Horizon a while back, where some eminent scientist said that if all the worlds governments pooled their scientific resources, we could solve the containment problems with fusion reactors, and have a commercially viable product ready to go in around forty years. No more fossil fuel burning. If only it didn't rely on this bit " if all the worlds governments pooled their scientific resources"!


i think a limitless supply of dirt cheap energy has a down side to it: the cost of manufacturing would plummet which means a potentially devastating assault

on the worlds natural resources so we can produce more and more products which means more and more waste. and there'll be 10 billion people around to consume all that c**p

not 7.

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i think a limitless supply of dirt cheap energy has a down side to it...

There will indeed be significant political and economic difficulties for us to overcome when that time arrives, but none to compare with the situation we will find ourselves in when we finally run out of fossil fuels.

As a species, we really do need to learn to work together... fairly quickly.

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