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2nd nights viewing-fantastic!!

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I've never spent a more enjoyable 2.5 hours just watching the moon.....I aligned my scope properly this time then done a 3 star alignment, I went for the stars most in view and a fair distance apart.

I'm totally blown away by what I've seen through the scope tonight, it was like I could reach out and touch the moon it seemed that close! I couldn't believe the size of some of the impact craters! I'm going to buy an adaptor so I can use my DSLR- nikon 3200, I'm venturing into astro photography in the near future, but I thought my high end camera would capture some truely awesome images....the resolution is 24.5 million pixels, can anyone tell me if I would get some nice shots of the moon and night sky with this camera?

I know most of you have seen the moon on many many occasions, but I just wanted to share my experience tonight with you fellow star gazers.

I've gone to bed grinning like a village idiot!

I wouldn't mind but I'm 42 and I feel very very content and happy!!!

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I really get the feeling when I look at the Moon in a scope that I'm looking at another world, there's just so much terrain to see. I can see why it was Sir Patrick's favourite thing to observe. Nothing else compares.

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That feeling never go's away, the Moon is spectacular sometimes, but even

when it's still light it's worth a look, I remember the first time I viewed the Moon

with a 5mm eyepiece, like you I was blown away, it's almost like you are on the

surface, but Saturn has to be my favourite planet, it is mesmerising.

Glad you enjoyed your first Moon experience, you will have many more.

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saturn?? I'd love to get a glimpse of Saturn!! I'm taking my time to get to know the sky and equipment first, i don't want to rush things, and mess things up, I just love the moon.....I'm always drawn back to it when I'm viewing the night sky.


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Thank you, I've only sorted the glitches because of all the friendly people on here that take the time and patience to help me, I viewed the night sky again last night till midnight, I even took some pictures with my DSLR camera with my new T-ring adaptor, I'm totally hooked now and will be investing in a scope camera in the very near future, yes your right, its totally worth it

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Hello from just down the road. Good to see you are sorting things. Saturn is around at the moment as it gets dark but it's very low so viewing is usually through the murk and not good. But give it a go, you may be lucky.



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Hi kerry,

I've only just started out, I have a 10mm, 15mm, and 20mm eyepiece at the minute, I use a sky max 127 goto on an EQ3 mount, is there any advice you could give me with regards to viewing it? Equipment wise I mean??

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You need a clear view to the SW. You can use the goto as soon as it gets dark enough to see some stars.

Start with the longest focal length eyepiece (your 20mm) keep centring it and try the 15 and 10. If the seeing is poor, as it has been lately, it will not take much magnification but you'll get a clear view of the rings at least.


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I'm going to buy an adaptor so I can use my DSLR- nikon 3200, I'm venturing into astro photography in the near future, but I thought my high end camera would capture some truely awesome images....the resolution is 24.5 million pixels, can anyone tell me if I would get some nice shots of the moon and night sky with this camera?

I'm sure the Nikon is great, I am working on getting a Canon 5d Mark iii myself, but in the meanwhile I have used my iPhone to take moon pics. I just hold the camera lens up to the eyepiece and hold it manually while taking the shot, takes a bit of practice but these are my first night's attempts. I now have a mount for my old DLSR, a Panasonic G2 (importantly no synscan goto) but have yet to coincide my viewing with the right weather and the right moon in order to try it out. Hopefully this weekend some time.

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I've just seen your pics of moon etc, they are really good!!! I took some last night and they turned out better than I had hoped for, I will post then on here as soon as I get home later tonight.

Well done on some great shots!!

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If you are really keen on a Planet set your alarm clock for just about 4 AM and before it gets light. Jupiter is East facing and also still quite low, but viewable when skies are good. I did this already a couple of times now to have a look. Jupiter is so big an impressive that you don't even need massive magnification to be inspired by it. Of course nothing like the moon in size but very impressive. While a lot of talk is often about Saturn, perhaps because of its ring and because it has been around recently, personally I think Jupiter I seven more impressive having seen both now :smiley:

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If you are really keen on a Planet set your alarm clock for just about 4 AM and before it gets light. Jupiter is East facing and also still quite low, but viewable when skies are good. I did this already a couple of times now to have a look. Jupiter is so big an impressive that you don't even need massive magnification to be inspired by it. Of course nothing like the moon in size but very impressive. While a lot of talk is often about Saturn, perhaps because of its ring and because it has been around recently, personally I think Jupiter I seven more impressive having seen both now :smiley:

I have to agree.

Jupiter is really impressive and always something to see. Later on when it's viewable at a civilised hour it is fascinating to watch the four moons do their little dance as the evening wears on.

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