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Perseids anyone having a go?

Carl Reade

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Not much escapes YOU then? :D

I do VAGUELY remember that Ham Amateur Radio stuff... "meteor scatter"(??)... "moon-bounce" even(?) :cool:

Sadly only ONE lifetime, but Good Luck wiv all of it! :)

Allready have had some strange looking detections from Recieving the G-R-A-V-E-S space radar.

143.049mhz USB.

infact you can watch my live meteor speclab screen visit


also i link up latest detection images browse me site.

also have me fireball motion capture cam running on site.

the only cam i havent got linked up on net is this one below but it's ready to time lapse skies.


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Allready have had some strange looking detections from Recieving the G-R-A-V-E-S space radar.

143.049mhz USB.

infact you can watch my live meteor speclab screen visit


also i link up latest detection images browse me site.

also have me fireball motion capture cam running on site.

the only cam i havent got linked up on net is this one below but it's ready to time lapse skies.


Allready have had some strange looking detections from Recieving the G-R-A-V-E-S space radar.

143.049mhz USB.

infact you can watch my live meteor speclab screen visit


also i link up latest detection images browse me site.

also have me fireball motion capture cam running on site.

the only cam i havent got linked up on net is this one below but it's ready to time lapse skies.

Quite a set up you have Cliff I must admit I havent used any of my radio equipment for astronomy for quite some time, the good news is the Perseids are appearing big and bright!

Cheers Carl

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What site did u get the ufo tracking software from....very intrested in it...I'm Shure there's a few aliens up here,,,, on other thought ,, might just be the in breeding (large foreheaded people)...lol...Davy

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What site did u get the ufo tracking software from....very intrested in it...I'm Shure there's a few aliens up here,,,, on other thought ,, might just be the in breeding (large foreheaded people)...lol...Davy


There is a free version and the V2 which is a 30 day trial. I am using/playing with the V2 one. Well impressed with the Honeywell lens works a treat.

Loads of settings to play with but they are for fine tuning so pretty much plug and play.

I deleted all the UFOs I picked up as I was only interested in the meteors last night :grin: :grin:

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Success! managed a couple of the Perseids and a couple of strays. Sammy was set at sense x2, AGC low which picked up the main constellations and aimed below Cassiopia, Polaris to upper left. UFO capture software is very good! A number of clips put together.


Cheers Carl

Nice one Carl,

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would you believe it....I've got the cam setup in the front spare room. [ my shack ]. So I've just nipped outside onto the drive and had a look up and one shot across, thought great, I'll go and see whats its like on the pc, only to find I only had it in preview mode...what a numpty. :mad:

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Had two video cameras and a DSLR running all last night. A quick review of the output from the all sky camera picked up around 25-30 last night , including a few bright ones - brilliant. I'll check the second video camera and the DSLR this evening when I get back from work.

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Checked things out shortly after dark... Saw a real "cracker" visually! Decide to set up... Saw one or two (fainter) examples - Even ONE on the capture screen. ... But not written to disk! Watched rubbish TV until 2 a.m. ... Bedeviled by cloud? Finally went for "artistic impression" (bumped up by integration) rather than "technical merit"? :D

Learned a bit about WIDE field video imaging - Interesting? Overall felt that you do need a specialist meteor cam?

If you try really... really... hard, you can make out the stars of Cassiopeia (on her side!) among the clouds... :p


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lol I had to bin a few because of the planes, I've Manchester to the south and Liverpool airport to the west and I seem to be on their flight path because they come over the house,

here's the other one.

Handyavi. Perseids
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Chris I was using Handyavi software and intergration on 2, but going to try another software tonight Yawcam which as motion detention also but the files are stored as frames, best make sure I save these to my big Hard drive, because this thing throws out frames as if I won the jackpot on a slot machine.

@ Cliff that's a good capture especially where you've blown it up, looks like its heading straight down here.

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just taken a snapshot and all i'm getting is this, but I'll keep it running for a couple of hours and knocked it up to x4 integration just incase there's something behind the clouds that might show up


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Hi, I'm using a Samsung 2000P cctv camera, one of the cheapest ways to get into it, and then if you want you can get a dedicated astro video cam like some of the other lads on here if this is your cuppa. If you look at the thread about Phil Dyer cams they're about £100 new or look on ebay for a second hand Samsung SDC 435 or 2000P about £50 to £60. These are 12 or 24 volt ones. There is a higher spec Sammy but double the price but can't remember the model No. think its a 4000P but someone will put me right. John

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