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advice on moom/lp filter please

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I,ve seen a ostara 2inch moon/skyglow filter.My missus complained that her eye hurt after looking at the moon the other day(she was blown away) so I thought about getting one of these filters as it does LP aswell or would it be better to get ND filter for the moon and a seperate LP filter for everything else

many thx Jonn

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A Moom is short for a Moomin, a newspaper cartoon character of many years ago, Daily Express I think :D An LP filter will help if you are troubled with Sodium lighting, if you have the new White types, you would be wasting your pennies. An ND is ok on the Moon, if it is that troublesome, although a variable polarising is better, being adjustable, but more expensive of course :)

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I don't tend to use a filter on the moon unless 50% or more illuminated. Then I only use a Baader Neodymium as this enhances contrast, reduces glare slightly and also works well on Mars/Jupiter and reduces light pollution effects in some wavelengths.

re observing the moon, if you just allow your pupil time to contract, the detail with increase with the reduced glare naturally. this works even with my 16" scope.

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To add a quibk question to this, yellow street lights are the ones that filters work on? I have a yellow lamp post that is the bane of my astronomical life about 30 yards away from my back garden :-(

Sodium street lighting, or the yellow coloured lighting, an LP filter helps to reduce the interference from the Sodium glare :)

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thanks for all your input.My garden backs onto the countryside but in the corner of the field there's a sodium street light which because its so dark there sticks out like a sore thumb.I will probably go for seperate filters one for each.

mant thx Jonn

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I never needed more than a bog standard moon filter from celestron or someone similar.

For LP, I again use this only visually on my 32mm, I got again a rather less pricey celestron version.

Probably that's why it doesn't work much... From Cardiff center, there's not much to win with...

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