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Amazing prominence - now!


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There is a most amazing prom visible now if you have an Ha scope. Just been looking in both PST and White light with the Herschel Wedge and there is plenty going on.

The new active regions look great, there is an area of faculae just coming around the corner, and plenty of proms.

The one I'm referring to is on the left limb (as viewed through a PST), looks like a somewhat twisted tree.

Have a look if you get a chance


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Incredible watching it change in just an hour. Some other lovely proms too towards the top right.

In white light the area of faculae ( I think that's what it's called!) look lovely against the darkening towards the limb


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Not at all sure about the processing here, and I haven't managed to pull out the big but faint prom at top right, but hopefully still gives an impression of how much was going on! SF70 filters on a Megrez 72 with a DMK41. Sorry no higher magnification as the sun disappeared behind next door!



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Here's one of the proms - again experimental processing with the aim of bringing out the faint stuff (unfortunately its blown the detail in the brighter proms :rolleyes: )


I need to go and do tea now, but I'll try for some more subtle processing later :smiley:


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Very nice, Helen!

Thanks, Stu, for the heads up. I was going to do white light only this eve having done some hydrogen alpha viewing at lunchtime, I'd have missed that one. What a treat the sun is at the mo :)

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Great, I'm glad you caught it Luke.

Not sure what time it appeared, I'm sure I didn't notice it earlier.

Nice pic Helen, shows prominences well, processing must be tricky!


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I know solar scopes seem expensive to view "just one object" (though I would argue this is one very special object!), but the amount of use my solar max is getting is crazy. I've even started viewing during lunch at work, and now I can image on holiday without having to take a lot of gear. I think Mark mentioned in another thread he'd already used his PST about 100 times this year? At that rate, it wouldn't be long before the PST costs less than £1 a session! :)

The last couple of days have been amazing. I love my solar scope and it seems to get more use than my

telescope especially with the light nights.

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Totally agree with that Luke. Certainly during the summer I've used either the PST or white light scope far more than anything else. One reason I got my PST when I did was knowing that we are around solar max currently so there would be plenty to see, and to it has turned out!!


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