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Video Astromony under Science

Carl Reade

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Long story - we asked for our own forum under imaging a while back but video was simply seen as an extension if imaging. So I created a social group for people wanting to exchange ideas specific to video astronomy.

When SGL moved to new forum software which did not support social groups we were offered out own forum here under science.

There's a big overlap with imaging however most of us here want a way to view using electronic assistance, use video to combat local light pollution which would mean we would otherwise not be able to view from our own back yards. We may capture and stack our images but we are not looking for the magazine worthy results achieved by some of the imagers here on SGL. Rather we want something to show friends or as a desktop image.

In the end it's imaging of sorts but for the impatient ;)

Clear skies and happy video astronomy.


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that's me : '' for the impatient '' I want to see what the scope is pointing at right at that moment rather than take loads of data and all that processing ,plus I like to use video rather than my eyepieces and my mount is only a az mount which is no good for dslr, my Sammy is always attached to the back of the flip mirror and use a illuminated eyepiece for alignment.

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Heheh. I did my first RGB (video) imaging the night before last. If "imaging" takes as long as that, you can certainly classify me as a (Sky at night survey?) "impatient" astronomer! <G> We may lack a certain amount of visibility where we are, but gain uniqueness? :D

I like the free and easy format of our group. There are no (extra) RULES... If you want to publish real time screen captures OR do a modest bit of stacking (flats, darks, RGB) no one worries overmuch? Not to denigrate, but amuses me these latter are kinda "verboten" on another forum's VIDEO subgroup... ;)

There is indeed much commonality. If I thought my results were sufficiently good <cough>, of general interest - If I had a question, I'd "publish" on one of the "imaging" subsections, with (modest) impunity? :p

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