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An hour wasted polar aligning on kochab


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Whilst finding southerly stars to align against I've also had the mount go to a star and immediately decide to meridian flip, and then once it has flipped decide to meridian flip all over again. It's doing it right now when I've asked it to go to Nunki.


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Was rushing "the simple bits" to try to get on with imaging with my CCD for first time. So of course "the simple" bits go wrong! Also, disturbed my Polar Scope as well, need to recalibrate it later.

I was literally checking everything as to why "Polaris" was not behaving. Whilst aligning on it I did think "looking a little Orange tonight" ! Eventually realised I was not on Polaris!

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I've my lxd-75 set up to make it easier to align, and it stops me making this exact mistake again. I've the reticle in the polar scope set so that when I align the counterweight bar along the line from Polaris to Kochab that the little circle to put Polaris in is in the correct place for good alignment. I often get <5min accuracy, perfect for gotos and visual.

I decided to do that after my second time aligning on Kochab so I feel your frustration and self-amusement...

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