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Sky at Night Cover Disc


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Im hoping someone can help me here, Im trying to find a contact email address for Sky at Night magazine as I have a musing/suggestion I would quite like to pass on. Just on the offchance someone from the magazine reads this I will post it here aswell.

Dear Sky at Night

First off I want to get the usual 'thanks for creating such a great magazine' and similar out of the way first. I only signed up for a subscription at the IAS2013 but already consider the magazine a great piece of reading each month. I also like the inclusion of a cover disc with old tv shows, photos and useful program-mes. Which leads me onto the reason for this email.

We all know that technologies change over time, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. The latest trend seems to be downloading all our content from virtual stores and even in some cases not actually storing content on our own machines anymore. This had lead to a change in technology (that I'm not over the moon about) that means CD drives are no longer mass produced into laptops. Indeed my latest Windows 8 laptop does not have a CD drive on it, as the expectation is that I will buy everything online. This means that I am unable to use the CD that comes with the magazine each month. Now while I am not suggesting you immediately change your distribution system just for little me, I'm simply trying to make you aware of the way technology seems to be going. I have had a couple of ideas on how to counter this which could be as simple as a code printed in the magazine to enable people to download the content of the cover disc from your website should they have the same problem that I do.

I would very much like to be able to use the disc content, but realise that at the moment I am limited to the magazine, which is still more than enough to keep me going each month.

Please keep up the great work

Kind Regards

Matt Holman

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+1 for getting yourself a cheap external disk drive - don't think publisher needs much excuse for reducing production costs , magazine paper quality is already pretty poor considering earlier editions also uk broardband , fixed and mobile coverage is still rubbish in quite a lot of areas nationwide so no disk would but a lot of subscribers at a disadvantage . My coverage is great but you don't have to move too far from large urban areas to suffer .

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Oh Im not saying get rid of the disc, not by a long shot as the majority of people still have CD drives built in and I am thinking of just getting myself one to sort the problem out, however I think its just something that may need to be taken into consideration in the future is all, moving with the times and all that :)

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Oh Im not saying get rid of the disc, not by a long shot as the majority of people still have CD drives built in and I am thinking of just getting myself one to sort the problem out, however I think its just something that may need to be taken into consideration in the future is all, moving with the times and all that :)

I take your point , i suppose this would also help with online digital subscription for those that want it.

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There may already be something in place for those with the ipad/e-readers subscriptions, although obviously the imaging software included in this months wouldn't be of much use to an ipad. I just hate to feel I'm missing out (and yes I know I could get a CD drive but Im on a MASSIVE saving spree at the moment for a car and £10 covers atleast a door handle :D )

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great idea - but......

spare a thought for some of us poor rural types have to suffer with dial up speed internet - downloading anything is a complete pain ! It would take me hours to download the content of a cover CD ! Not everyone has the option of superfast broadband . :embarrassed:

But I do have great skies with very low LP ! :grin:

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I recently bought my first edition of S@N mag for my ipad and I have to say I was disappointed as a lot of the content that is normally included on the CD was not available or at least I can't find it yet.

I always enjoy the monthly sky notes on the CD, previously with Patrick Moore and Pete Lawrence and more recently with Paul Abel. I probably won't renew my ipad subscription if these item are not included.

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PC Pro (a magazine for PC folks) that has always had high quality software on its cover DVDs has just this month stopped them and started downloads with a serial number from inside the mag instead.

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They already are sealed to keep the disc in and as I've said Im not starting a campaign to get rid of the cover disc, as I know there are plenty of people who don't have great internet so downloading, lets say, 650mb of data every month would be a real pain. Maybe instead of having a code printed inside the magazine, it could just be your subscriber number or something. That way they could also tell which areas the downloads are most popular in.

None of these are great ideas of mine I know, just throwing them out there :)

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great idea - but......

spare a thought for some of us poor rural types have to suffer with dial up speed internet - downloading anything is a complete pain ! It would take me hours to download the content of a cover CD ! Not everyone has the option of superfast broadband . :embarrassed:

But I do have great skies with very low LP ! :grin:

Don't suppose you'd like to swap.....Your skies for my ......... very average broadband :) ?
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I for one would love to have a cheaper magazine subscription without the disc. My disc goes straight into the bin, bypassing the computer completely.


these mass prodused discs, you'd probably save around 10p without it :)
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these mass prodused discs, you'd probably save around 10p without it :)

I think that is way off the mark. Compare an Astronomy Now subscription to a Sky At Night subscription. The reason they often give for the price difference is the cover disc...

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Don't suppose you'd like to swap.....Your skies for my ......... very average broadband :) ?

Err....................... No ta ! I can live with the poor broadband, but I wouldnt swap my sky view for a lottery win ! On second thoughts anyone wanting my wifes cats and a lottery win - that would sway it ! :evil:

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I think that is way off the mark. Compare an Astronomy Now subscription to a Sky At Night subscription. The reason they often give for the price difference is the cover disc...

just because its the reason they give doesn't make it true
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