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How to stack LRGB ???

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Hey guys, trying to get ahead of the curve here for when I buy a CCD..... I have only ever stacked with DSS colour images from a DSLR and associated flats, darks and BIAS. Since I do not have multiple sets of component data its a straight forward enough process.

How does one go about stacking/combining the separate LRGB data sets please from a CCD? Do you stack all your R data with flats, darks and BIAS? Then do the same for G, then B, Ha, OIII etc with something like DSS? I'd then have several "master" LRGBha images right? And so what program do I use that stitches those separate components together to create the final image?

Can PixInsght do this? How do you tell it to stack the lights with the flats, darks etc?

EDIT>>> Put in wrong section - doh... Should be in processing ! Apologies.

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As you describe, stack your R (with calibration frames) and G etc etc separately in DSS or whatever you want to use to end up with a set of stacked files. Many (me included) then use Photoshop to combine the various files together and then do further processing.

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Exactly as Freddie has said with one small caveat - if there has been any rotation or other movement of the camera between the four sets of data acquisition, you will probably want to align the sets outside of PS if you can as doing this manually can be a pain in PS. Assembling the four aligned data sets in PS is straightforward though.

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Exactly as Freddie has said with one small caveat - if there has been any rotation or other movement of the camera between the four sets of data acquisition, you will probably want to align the sets outside of PS if you can as doing this manually can be a pain in PS. Assembling the four aligned data sets in PS is straightforward though.

Thankyou guys. What software program can do this alignment of the four data sets Steve?

Also, a question on a similar theme. When you buy a Atik or whatever other CCD you get software (Artemis with Atik). So why do you need "at scope" software like AstroArt, Nebulosity etc to control the camera and sub taking process? Why can't the Artemis software do this natively. I am sure there is avery good reason but its not clear to me at this stage of my AP career! I read that those two mentioned programs can do stacking as well...

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I think that Artemis is a very good capture programme and until recently that was what I used with my Atik camera. But, I have recently started to use dithering and for that I need to capture the data and guide in the same programme (or at least have a couple of programmes that will talk to each other) - So I now use Maxim for guiding and capture.

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RegiStar is probably the best software for aligning stacked image sets. It not onle aligns the dat but can cope with rotated images and even different sizes which is useful if you use binning for the RGB and take the Lum unbinned as you end up with different sized images. It isn't free though.

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RegiStar is probably the best software for aligning stacked image sets. It not onle aligns the dat but can cope with rotated images and even different sizes which is useful if you use binning for the RGB and take the Lum unbinned as you end up with different sized images. It isn't free though.

Ok Gina thanks. So do many folk use DSS to stack a load of data for each colour/lum/NB to create a "master" for each? Then registar to combine the colours and align them? Then PS/PI to process ?

Is there one program that can do all the pre-processing to give combined/stacked image to feed into PI/PS ?

Apologies that I have not picked up the terminology just yet...! Aligned, preprocessing, calibrated..... The learning curve is steep! Not sure I fully understand these terms...

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