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Mars from 24th November


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Thanks Ron. I think my recent good results are in large part down to the quality of my barlows. I knew my x2 Celestron Ultima was a good'en and now, it seems, my new x4 Imagemate is equally as good. :(

I am looking forward to opposition, but mainly because I wont have to get up/stay up till stupid o'clock. :D

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Thanks Ron. I think my recent good results are in large part down to the quality of my barlows. I knew my x2 Celestron Uttima was a good'en and now, it seems, my new x4 Imagemate is equally as good. :lol:

I am looking forward to opposition, but mainly because I wont have to get up/stay up till stupid o'clock. :)

:(:D :D

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I can only echo Ron's comments L48. Very nice indeed. :D

If you reduce the blue, a bit more detail begins to shows through. Don't go too far though or Mars begins to look rather like a yellow tennis ball! :shock: Good fun but not the result you want I'm sure. :(



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